Конспект урока английского языка в 5 классе на тему "Pets"

Цели урока:

  • усвоение и применение в речи лексико-грамматических навыков по теме "Домашние животные";
  • формирование коммуникативной компетенции в рамках темы "Домашние питомцы".

Ход урока

Организационный момент

Учитель входит в класс, здоровается, проверяет готовность к уроку.
Ученики встают, здороваются и демонстрируют свою готовность к уроку: наличие на партах необходимых предметов к уроку.

Речевая зарядка

- Who wants to be the reporter? (Учитель выбирает одного из учащихся)

Ученик, выбранный репортером задает вопросы одноклассникам:

Reporter: What date is it today?
Student: Today is the 30th of November.
R: What day is it today?

S: It is Monday.
R: Who is absent today?
S: All are present.

R: What is the weather like today?
S: It is cold and windy.
R: What season is it now?

S: It is winter.
R: Do you like the weather today?
S: It is autumn.

R: How many lessons do you have today?
S: We have 5 lessons today.
R: How are you today?

S: I am OK. Thank you. And how are you?
R: I’m fine. Thank you.

Постановка темы и определение целей и задач урока

Учитель подводит учеников к формулированию темы урока и целей и задач для выполнения на данном уроке.
- Thank you our reporter.
- The reporter have prepared a song for you. Please listen to the song and try to guess the topic of our lesson.

- What is the topic of our lesson?
- What are we going to do at the lesson?

Учащиеся слушают песенку и стараются определить тему урока.

- I think the topic of our lesson is "Pets".
- I think we are going to read.
- To translate.

- To work in pairs.
- To speak English.
- To answer questions.
- To learn something new.

Фонетическая разминка

- As usually we start with phonetic exercises.
- Let’s repeat the words and expressions of the Unit. Open your books, please. (Ученики повторяют за диктором слова и выражения)

Обобщающее повторение лексики и грамматики раздела

- Well, we are going to speak about pets.
- Tell me please, why do people keep pets?

- And now, please take the cards № 1 "You have got a pet"
- Put HAVE TO or DON’T HAVE TO into the sentences. You have 2 minutes.

Учащиеся вставляют в предложения HAVE TO or DON’T HAVE TO

  1. You … feed your pet every day.
  2. You … wash your pet.
  3. You … play with your pet.
  4. You … walk your pet.
  5. You … treat(лечить) your pet.
  6. You … clean after your pet.
  7. You … be boring. (скучать)
  8. You … be alone. (быть одиноким)
  9. You … be sad.
  10. 1You… be attentive(быть внимательным) to your pet.

- And now let’s check up. Please read in turn
- And now please take the List of success. Find the exercise 1.

- If you have no mistakes you get "5"; 1-2 mistakes – "4"; 3-4 mistakes – "3".

Физминутка "Пингвидэнс"

- What exotic pets do you know?
- Do you want to have a penguin?
- First of all let’s learn to dance as the penguins do it.

Развитие навыков чтения

- And now Let’s read what you have to do if you want to have a penguin.
- Take the card № 2. (на презентации слайд "Московский зоопарк")

Учащиеся читают по цепочке

If you want to own a penguin...
You will have to visit the site of Moscow Zoo.
You will have to read the rules of the program which will help you to become the owner (владелец) of the penguin.

Then you will have to call to the zoo or write an e-mail and tell that you want to be the guardian (опекун) of the penguin.
You will have to conclude an agreement on charity. (заключить договор о благотворительности)

According the agreement( по договору) you will have to pay 50% of the cost of feeding. (стоимость кормления)
Then you will have the certificate of the guardian (свидетельство опекуна) and skip (пропуск) to the zoo. You can communicate with the zoo workers and visit your animal with them.

Презентация проектной работы

- What are the most popular pets? (The most popular pets are cats and dogs)
- The group of the students have worked on the project about cats and now they are ready to presents their results.

- But first of all we will divide into groups.
- Each group will get the questions and will have to answer them after the presentation. (card № 3)

Учитель раздает карточки.
Please read the questions.

Зачитывают вопросы:

  1. What was the aim of the work?
  2. What was the hypothesis of the research?
  3. When is the Day of Cats in Russia?

- And then each group will have to evaluate the work of your classmates. (card № 4)
- And now please, tell us about your project. (Группа учащихся представляет свой проект (текст проекта и презентация в приложении)

Работа в парах

- And you will work in pairs.
- The first variant has got the proverbs from the presentation. (Работают в парах. Соединяют пословицы, использованные в проекте с их переводом)

- And the second variant has got the translation.

- All cats are grey in the dark (in the night) - Все кошки серы в темноте.
- Match the proverb and its translation.

The cat shuts its eyes when it steals the cream
Кошка закрывает глаза, когда ворует сливки

A cat in gloves catches no mice
Кот в перчатках мышей не поймает

When the cat is away,
the mice will play.

Когда кота нет поблизости, мыши резвятся. (Без кота мышам раздолье)

Развитие навыков чтения

- There is an expression "We are always for animals". What does it mean? (People must help the animals)
- How can people help the homeless animals? (People organize rescue homes)

- What is a rescue home? (This is the organization…)
- In our region we also have rescue homes. They are "Kind hand" and "The second chance". (Слайды на презентации)

Домашнее задание

- Now please write down your home task.
- Write down 5 questions about the work of the rescue home "The second chance".


Учитель предлагает ученикам оценить урок и свою работу на уроке.
- Did you like our lesson?

- How did you work?
- Evaluate your work and the lesson. (Ученики прикрепляют на магнитную доску смайлики – оценки урока)

Подведение итогов урока

Учитель спрашивает мнение учеников о том, выполнен ли план урока и поставленные задачи, благодарит учащихся за урок и сообщает оценки.
- Let’s turn to the tasks of our lesson and see if we have done everything. (points of the plan)

Возможные ответы:

  • Yes.
  • We did it!
  • We have learnt to …

- Thanks for the lesson, my dears. It was very pleasant to work with you.
- Well, your homework is to read and translate in written form the note and the conversation in ex. A, pp. 51-52 in the workbook.

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