Конспект урока английского языка для 5 класса "How do you help your neighbourhood?"

Урок разработан для введения новой лексики по теме "How do you help your neighbourhood?"

В разработке представлены различные интересные варианты упражнений для учащихся 5 классов на введение и отработку новых слов.

Ход урока

- Hello! Sit down. What is the date today? What day is it today? How are you today?
- You see some smiles on your desks. They`ll help you to answer the is question.
- Everyone has smiles. All of them have different emotions you should choose only 1 which is corresponding to your mood.

- Look at the board, please. You can see the letters which are standed in incorrect order.
- You should make 3 words using the letters (must, should, may). Well done.
- How can you white all these words?

- We`ve talked about modal verbs at previous lessons. Now I`ll give the cards and you should work in pairs.
- At these cards you have some questions about modal verbs. You should ask your neighbour every question.
- If the answer is correct you should write "+"; if it`s incorrect you should write "-".

- After finishing you should change your cards. You have 3 minutes.
- Well done. Don`t forget to write them down. Now turn over your cards. What do you see?
- Unite all these words. What are they doing! Well done. The topic of our lesson is "flow do you help your neighbourhood?"

- Natasha, take our cards and put them on my desk. Write down the topic of our lesson.
- Open your books at p. 38 you can see Word Box with new words.
- Let`s listen and follow. Repeat after me.

- Read in chain. I think that you`ve paid attention that you assessment papers have different colour. Who has red?
- Your places are there. Who has white?
- Your places are there. Now we`ll work in groups.

  1. Look on the board, you can see the pictures and the words. Your task is to match them.Let`s check. Well done. Asses yourself.
  2. You see the cards with our words in my hands. I have words for every team. I`ll show you the card and I tell you the word`s translation. You should tell am I right or not?
  3. At the beginning of our lesson. We`ve revised mod verbs, our right? Every team has 10 cards with different words. I offer ked team to find modal verbs. White team to find our words. Are you ready? Let`s cheek. Red read you words? Now white. Assess yourselves.
  4. Are you tired? I think that we need to move. You see the table for every team. There are words on this table, but they are in Russian. Every member of your team should come, read the word in Russian and tell it in English.
  5. At previous lesson we`ve read with the text in which children are going to help their neighbourhood. Now I offer you to make a list how can you help your neighbourhood. Every team has the paper which can help to do it. Are you ready? Let`s read red team? White team? Assess yourselves. Well done.
  6. Your work was very good today. What have you learnt during the lesson? During all the lesson you assessed yourselves. Please, take it and come to me.

- Your homework is to learn these words by heart. Thank you for your work. Good bay.

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