Конспект обобщающего урока английского языка в 5 классе "Round-Up Lesson"

Цель: контроль знания лексики и грамматических навыков по изученным темам.


  • Научить детей концентрироваться и выбирать нужное из предлагаемых вариантов.
  • Совершенствовать навыки речевой деятельности учащихся.
  • Воспитывать у учащихся интерес к изучению иностранного языка.

Оборудование: раздаточный материал на карточках, фонетическая зарядка на доске, дерево результативности, листочки двух цветов (зеленый, желтый).

Ход урока

Организационный этап

Учитель: Good morning, dear boys and girls. I am glad to see you. Today we shall have a very interesting lesson. I hope you are ready to show your knowledge and abilities. I’ll give you some lists with task. After each right answer you will get the leaf to create a green tree. So, let’s start.

Речевая разминка

First of all let’s train your speech. Will you answer some questions?
- Who is on duty today?
- Who is absent?

- What is the weather like today?
- Is it cold or hot?
- Does the Sun shine bright?

Фонетическая разминка

Let’s read the limerick together.
There was a Young Lady of Niger,
Who smiled as she rode on a tiger;

They returned from the ride
With the Lady inside,
And the smile on the face of the tiger.

Round up lessonRound up lesson

Основной этап

Task: "Find the stranger" to the topic "Weather"

a) rain; b) fine; c) cold; d) warm; e) year; f) snow; g) hot.

Task: "Find the stranger" to the topic "Winter Clothes"

a) coat; b) T-shirt; c) trousers; d) boots; e) tights; f) sweater; g) hat; h) cap.

Task: "Choose the right word"

  1. The person who teaches children is a…
    a) doctor; b) pilot; c) teacher.
  2. The person who helps people when they are ill is a…
    a) doctor; b) pupil; c) cosmonaut.
  3. The person who drives a car is a(n)…
    a) engineer; b) driver; c) worker.

Task: "Choose the right colour"

  1. What colour is an apple?
    a) black; b) brown; c) red.
  2. What colour is the milk?
    a) white; b) orange; c) blue.
  3. What colour is the grass?
    a) purple; b) grey; c) green.
  4. What colour is a carrot?
    a) red; b) yellow; c) black.

Физкультминутка "Let’s have a rest!"

Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together.
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,
Stamp your feet together.

Spin, spin, spin around,
Spin around together.
Wink, wink, wink your eyes
Wink your eyes together.

Dance, dance, dance about,
Dance about together.
Shake, shake, shake your hands,

Shake your hands together.
Smile, smile at your friends,
Let us smile together.

Task: "Choose the right variant"

  1. Мамина сумка
    a) mothers bag; b) mother’s bag; c) mothers’ bag.
  2. Яблоко сестры
    a) sister’s apple; b) sisters’ apple; c) sisters apple.
  3. Кукла сестер
    a) sister’s doll; b) sisters’ doll; c) sisters doll

Task: "Choose the right verb form"

  1. Cars … red and blue.
    a) is; b) are; c) am.
  2. I … a puple.
    a) is; b) are; c) am.
  3. She … a doctor.
    a) is; b) are; c) am.

Task: "Choose the right verb form"

  1. I … a cat.
    a) has; b) have got; c) has got.
  2. We … parents.
    a) has; b) have got; c) has got.
  3. The girl … a kitten.
    a) has; b) have got; c) has got.

Подведение итогов урока

So, the time is up. Give me your task. And you look at the table. You see the tree on it. I want to know if the task was easy or hard.

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