Проверочная работа по теме "Passive Voice" 8 класс

Проверочная работа по английскому языку для 8 класса по теме "Passive Voice" к учебнику Spotlight 8. Контрольная работа состоит из 2-х вариантов по два задания в каждом.


Task 1. Open the brackets using Passive Voice

  1. This house ... (build) 100 years ago.
  2. His new book ... (finish) next year.
  3. The bridge is closed at the moment. It ... (damage) last week and it ... (not/repair) yet.
  4. I can`t use my office at the moment. It ... (paint).
  5. The office ... (clean) when the boss arrived.
  6. Football ... (play) in most countries of the world.
  7. I saw an accident yesterday. Two people ... (take) to hospital.
  8. These letters must ... (post) as soon as possible.

Task 2. Fill in by/with

  1. The film was directed ... Steven Spielberg.
  2. The box was opened ... a knife.
  3. Breakfast was cooked ... our mother.
  4. The walls are covered ... posters.
  5. The window was broken ... a hammer.
  6. Oliver Twist was written ... Charles Dickens.


Task 1. Open the brackets using Passive Voice

  1. The office ... (clean) when the boss arrived.
  2. My car ... (steal) last week.
  3. I ... (send) to the competition tomorrow.
  4. The bank robbers ... (chase) at the moment.
  5. Cheese ... (make) from milk.
  6. I saw an accident yesterday. Two people ... (take) to hospital.
  7. Your bedroom must ... (clean) tonight.
  8. The bridge is closed at the moment. It ... (damage) last week and it ... (not/repair) yet.

Task 2. Fill in by/with

  1. The house was built ... wood and bricks.
  2. The film was directed ... Steven Spielberg.
  3. The garden was dug ... a spade.
  4. War and Peace was written ... Leo Tolstoy.
  5. Breakfast was cooked ... our mother.
  6. The window was broken ... a hammer.
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