Контрольная работа по английскойму языку "Spotlight" для 5 класса

Контрольных работа по английскому языку для учащихся 5 класса, занимающихся по УМК: "Spotlight 5" ("Английский в фокусе 5 класс")

Контрольная работа содержит разделы:

  • Vocabulary.
  • Grammar.
  • Reading.
  • Everydae english.

Задания контрольной работы "Spotlight 5"


Fill the gaps.

  1. e r _ s _ r - ...
  2. bl _ _ _ b_ _rd - ...
  3. t _ m _ ta_ _ e - ...
  4. G _ o _ _ a_ hy - ...
  5. H _ _ t _ ry - ...

Write the days of the week.

  1. _ o n _ a _
  2. _ u n d _ _
  3. T _ _ s d _ _
  4. W _ _ n e _ _ a _
  5. T h _ _ s d _ _

Write down the odd word and translate it.

  1. English, Mathematics, Tuesday, Art.
  2. notepad, textbook, pencil, eleven.
  3. eighteen, twelve, subject, twenty.
  4. Friday, Science, Wednesday, Saturday.
  5. favourite, morning, night, afternoon.


Choose the correct item.

  1. You am/are in Grade 6.
  2. Mark am/is my best friend
  3. Fiona is/are in class 2E.
  4. Bill and Tim are/is in the same class.
  5. I are/am in secondary school.

Write the correct article a/an.

  1. ... atlas
  2. ... orange
  3. ... pen
  4. ... cat
  5. ... ruler
  6. ... apple

Choose the correct item.

  1. It’s a/an eraser.
  2. John am/is not new to the school.
  3. It’s a/an notebook.
  4. Bill and Tim is/are in the same class.
  5. I ’re/’m in secondary school.

Write the correct form of the verb "to be" (am/is/are)

  1. Betty ... 14 years old.
  2. The erasers ... in her pencil case.
  3. This ... an orange.
  4. Mark and Lynn ... in class 2C.
  5. John ... new to the school.
  6. It ... a blue school bag.

Choose the correct pronoun for the words. (I/you/he/she/it/we/they)

  1. Pat and I ...
  2. Joseph ...
  3. Anna ...
  4. a pencil sharpener ...
  5. a dog ...
  6. Kevin and Martin ...

Everydae english

Choose the correct response.

44. Where is the History lesson?   

A. Ok, great!

45. How do you spell your name? 

B. Nice to meet you, too.

46. Let’s go to the lesson together.

C. Hi, my name’s David.

47. Hello. My name is Mark.         

D. I’m twelve.

48. How old are you?

E. It’s D-A-V-I-D.

49. Nice to meet you, David.         

F. It is in room E.


Read the text and underline the correct words.

Hi Sue!
How are you? My name’s David and I’m 10 years old. I’m from England and I am at Green School. I’m new to the school. My favourite subject is Maths and I also like English and Science. My lunch break is from 12.30 to 1.30 every day. Tom and Wendy are in my Maths class, but they aren’t in my English and Science classes. My PE lesson is on Fridays.

Well, that’s about it. Please write soon and tell me about your school.
Bye for now,

  1. David’s 9/10 years old.
  2. David is at Red/Green school.
  3. David’s new/old to the school.
  4. English/Maths is David’s favourite subject.
  5. The lunch break is at 12.30/1.30.
  6. Wendy is in English/Maths class with David.
  7. The PE lesson is on Fridays/Mondays.

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