Урока английского языка в 5 классе по теме "Одежда"

Цели урока:

  • активизировать в речи, изученные лексических единиц по теме "Одежда";
  • формирование грамматических навыков;
  • развитие навыков памяти, мышления, творческих способностей;
  • воспитание способности учащихся 5 класса взаимодействовать в группе и самостоятельно.

Ход урока

Приветствие. Знакомство

Good morning. Let’s me introduce myself. My name is Ирина Петровна.
Today I am your English teacher. Now I’d like you come out to the front. Let’s meet with you. (игра в мяч)

Thank you. Take your places. It’s time to begin our lesson.
Today I’ve got the invitation card. But where? At first let’s watch a video and try to guess where will we go? (дети смотрят видео и пытаются угадать)

And what is usually present on the Fashion Show? Yes, you are right.
And how do you think what is the theme of our lesson today? (дети пытаются угадать тему урока)
Yes, you are right. The theme of our lesson today is "Clothes".

My best friend invites you to the Fashion Show, where you will be designers.
You will create a summer collection of clothes.

During the lesson we will use work papers where we will do different exercises.
Also we will use signals cards – these pencils if you want to answer, to put marks to each other and to show me your marks.
Today we’ll get only good and excellent marks.

Green signal card means excellent mark "5", yellow signal card means good mark "4".
Now take your pens and write down the theme of our lesson in your work papers.
Don’t forget to write down your name and surname. (записывают тему в индивидуальные листы, подписывают их)

Фонетическая зарядка

All designers at the Fashion Show speak English. At first, let’s repeat some sounds.
I’ll read and you repeat after me.

Работа в режиме:

  1. T - Ps
  2. P1, P2,P3

[t] - trainers, trousers, time
[ᶴ] – she, shorts, shoes
[s] – socks, sun, summer
[h] – he, hat

[w] – white, weather, wearing
[3:] – shirt, skirt, T-shirt
[ᵆ] – bag, cap, black

Now Sasha read, please. Lera continue.

Введение лексических единиц

And what will be fashionable this summer? Let's go to the online shop and see.
Now listen to the poem, look at the interactive board and let’s guess what these words mean.

Лето жаркая пора, лето любит детвора,
Летом жарко на Кубани,
Shorts все носят и панамы.
Если солнца яркий свет,

Голову прикроет cap и hat.
Shirt oденьте на себя
На работу уходя.
Skirt все дамы одевают

Но о trousers мечтают,
Как наступят холода.
Если в театр культпоход
Одевайте shoes народ.

На тренировку socks и trainers.
И в спортзал T-shirt оденешь.
Вот про лето весь рассказ,
Если все запомнил класс!

На доске появляются слова и картинки.
Now, let’s repeat these new words after me. (работаем с 1 и 2 столбиком)

Активизация лексических единиц

What happened to our Internet? Where are the words?
Now answer the questions. Is it a cap? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. P1, P2, P3. (вначале работаем со словами в единственном числе, а затем во множественном)


1 ученик к доске и загадывает слово. Дети задают вопрос и угадывают.
Is it a cap? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
Take your activity sheets. They can help you to choose necessary word.

Now answer the questions. Are they shorts? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.


1 ученик к доске и загадывает слово. Дети задают вопрос и угадывают. (Are they shorts? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t)
Take your activity sheets. They can help you to choose necessary word.

Sonya comes to the black board, please. Look, read and match. (На магнитной доске картинки, а снизу перепутан перевод, 1 ученик соединяет слово и картинку, читает, что получилось)
And you children look at exercise 2 in your work papers.
You must look, read and match too. (на доске это упражнение)

Are you ready? Look at the blackboard and check.
Well done. Put Sonya a mark, please. (ставят оценку Соне)
Show me her mark.

And now tell me, please, what the difference between these words is?
Ребята я хочу вам напомнить, что перед сущуствительном в единственном числе ставится артикль а, а во множественном числе появляется окончание s.
Now look at the interactive board and check yourself. На доске записано: 0-1 ошибка – "5", 2-3 ошибки - "4".


Well done! Use signal cards and show me your marks.
Who has got 5? Who has got 4?

Повторение название цвета

Everyone knows that designers first draw everything with a pencil. And for the summer collection we will need colored pencils.
Let’s repeat the colours. Look at the interactive board and answer the questions. Work papers can help you.
What colour is the T-shirt? What colour are the shorts?

What is he wearing? He’s wearing a red T-shirt and blue shorts.
What is she wearing? She’s wearing a yellow skirt and green shoes. (на слайде два ребенка, учитель задает вопросы, а дети отвечают)


Повторение и закрепление настоящего длительного времени

Look at the interactive board and listen to me. She is wearing a yellow T-shirt and a green skirt.
She is wearing green socks and green shoes. She is nice!


Please choose one type of clothes from this box and tell what is your classmate is wearing? (Дети достают по очереди 1 вещь, и рассказывают, во что одет одноклассник)
He’s wearing a red T-shirt. He is nice!

Развитие навыков аудирования

Throughout the show we will hear English speech. Please, take your activity sheets. Let’s do exercise № 4.
You need to listen to the sentences about the children. Then next to the offer number, write the child's name. You will hear the text twice.

  1. He’s wearing a green T-shirt and blue shorts. He is nice. (Max)
  2. She’s wearing a yellow and red T-shirt and orange trousers. She is nice. (Ann)
  3. She’s wearing a pink skirt and yellow trainers. She is nice. (Liz)
  4. He’s wearing a red and blue T-shirt and pink socks. He is nice. (Ted)

Are you ready? Now put down your pens, exchange your work papers, look at the interactive board, check and put marks to each other.


Дети выполняют упражнение, а затем проверяют его,сверяя ответы на доске. На доске записано: 0 ошибок – "5", 1 ошибка - "4".
Use signal cards and show me your marks. Well done! You are very clever students!

Проектная деятельность

Here we are at the fashion show. Now you can act as designers. You will work in three groups.
Each group receives an envelope with a task. It is the text, the model that you want to wear and different clothes.

According to the text you choose clothes, paint it according to the text and dress your model. Then one of the designers from your modeling Agency should speak and present a summer collection of clothes. (Включить музыку)

Good morning ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our fashion show! Today we are presenting a new collection of summer clothes and we hope that you’ll like it.
Учащиеся работают в группах, затем один учащийся из группы защищает свой проект.

Well done children! Put Lena a mark, please. Show me her mark.
I agree with you. Lena I’ll put you a five.

Домашнее задание

Our fashion show came to the end, but your work as designers is not over, at home you have to make a project of your choice, drawing a model and also present a summer collection of clothes or compose a poem using new words.

Look through your work papers and count the average mark. What marks have you got?
Show me your signal cards. Thank you. Well done! You are very clever students!


Take your signals cards and put them on the notebook. Green pencils if you are happy and yellow if you are sad.

Книга отзывовКнига отзывов

Сделать 2 страницы в книге отзывов и предложений, на показе мод. Дети берут свои сигнальные карты и крепят на страницы записной книги под музыку.

Thank you very much for the lesson.
Our lesson is over good bye.

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