Конспект урока английского языка 4 класс "Welcome to Tatta!"

Учебник: "Spotlight 4"


  • научить рассказывать о достопримечательностях родного улуса туристам иностранцам;
  • развить навыки аудирования, чтения, говорения и письма;
  • привить чувство гордости и любви к родной земле.

Учебные материалы: видеообращение иностранного туриста, новые слова по теме "Достопримечательности", транслитерация названий местностей, модальный глагол саn, структуры there is, there are.

Оборудование: ноутбук, мультимедийный проектор, колонки, раздаточные материалы, презентация, видеоролик, макет путеводителя и дидактический материалы.

Ход урока

Организационный момент

Good morning! How are you? How do you feel today?
My name is Zinaida Ivanovna. I am from Ytyk-Kel school № 1. Are you ready to start the lesson?
Ок, let`s start!

Мотивация к учебной деятельности

Wow! Look at this! We have got a video, let`s watch it.

Attention please!
What is his name? Where is he from?
Where is he going to?

What`s thus?
What can you tell about Tatta ulus?

Формулировка темы и цели урока

Сornuel doesn`t know anything about our Tatta ulus, does he? Let`s make a guidebook for him.
What can we tell to Cornuel?

Look at the map, here you can see Cornuel`s future route from Tatta board to our village Kharbalakh. There are many monuments, beautiful fields, wide forests on the way.

So, then today we will learn to tell about Tatta ulus. Guess the theme of our lesson. (Welcome to Tatta)

Первичное усвоение новых знаний

We have given you a model of the future guidebook, now please look at the pictures.
Look at the new words and read please. Then please listen to the audio.

Now, please, let`s remember grammatical structure there is, there are, and modal verb can.

Изучение нового материала

Now look at the text. Read this text please i`ll give you 2 minutes, then 3 children will read aloud.

What`s about this text?

How many villages are there?
Are there beautiful places?

Now let`s play true or false.

  1. There are 12 villages.
  2. Ytyk-Kel is not the centre of the district.
  3. We have got wonderful nature.


Please, stand up and repeat after me.
I can swim, I can jump,

I can run, I can play khomus
Then repeat by yourselves.

Закрепление изученного

Now we have given you some cards. Stick on the map.
Then check your work оn the digital map.

Look at the guide please. Here you can see some villages, but what is missing?
Can you write them in English?

Our guide is ready! Please look at the screen, you can see a text "Welcome to Tatta!" but new words are missing.
Please tell about Tatta using this model.


Today we have:

  • learned new words related to "interesting places";
  • remembered grammar structure there is, there are and modal verb can.

Now we can tell about Tatta district. I promise I`ll send your guide to our friend Cornuel. He will be happy.


Ребята, сейчас берем стикеры и подходим к доске, и напротив каждого утверждения прикрепляем стикеры. Зеленый цвет – умею, розовый цвет - не умею.

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Goodbye, thank you!

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