Конспект урока иностранного языка во 2 классе "Это - английский алфавит"

Цель урока: контроль и самоконтроль уровня обученности учащихся.


  • знакомство с играми " Find the letter", "The magic tree";
  • развитие языковых способностей: догадки, интонационного слуха, имитации;
  • контроль грамматических и лексических навыков, повторение алфавита с помощью алфавитной песни.

Учебник: "Английский язык 2 класс", авторы: В.П. Кузовлев, Э.Ш. Перегудова и др. Москва "Просвещение" 2018

Оборудование: аудиозапись, таблица с английским алфавитом, карточки с буквами, макет Гроувера, макет "волшебного дерева", карточки с изученной лексикой, карточки с письменным заданием, жетоны.

Ход урока

Организационный момент

Teacher (T): Good morning, children!
- Today we are going to have the ABC-quiz, we are going to read, write,sing and play.
- If you answer correctly I will give you 1 point. For your mark "5" you have to collect 5 points, for your mark "4"-4 points.

Основная часть урока

The ABC-quiz

T: Children, what English letters do you know ? Let`s recite our ABC-rhymes!
Pupil 1 (P1): A is for Apple. It is on a tree. It is for Ada, It is for me.
P2: B is for Ball . My ball is not small. I play in the garden With my friend called Pall.

P3: C is for Cat. My cat is fat. My cat is sitting On the mat.
P4: D is for Dog. Its name is Jack. Its head is white, Its tail is black.
P5: E is for Eight And for Eleven. I coud count When I was seven.

P6: F is for Flag And Flower too. One thing for me, The second for you.
P7: G is for Green. And what is green ? The grass is green So nice and clean.
P8: H is for Hand. I have two hands. And this is the way I clap my hands.

P9: I is for Ice cream So good to eat. When the weather is hot, It`s a wonderful treat.
P10: J is for Jam, Johnny and Sam Sit down to have Some tea with jam.
P11: K is for Kite. I have a kite. My kite is white, My kite is light.

P12: L is for Letter. This letter is for me. It is from my my sister as you can see.
P13: M is for my Mother.She is so fine. You love your mother, And I love mine.
P14: N is for Nut. The nuts are on a tree. Get some nuts And give one to me.

P15: O is for Orange, The colour and the fruit. My pony is orange And so is my flute.
P16: P is for Pencils, Blue, green and brown. I can draw What I see around.
P17: Q is for Questions. How do you do? Very well,thank you. And how are you?
P18: R is for Rose.

The rose is so red.
One rose’ s for my mother, one is for little Ned.

P19: S is for Spring
And summer too,
When it is warm
And the sky is blue.

P20: T is for Tick,
T is for Tock.
Tick – tock, tick – tock,
Says the cocoo – clock.

P21: U is for Under
And is not for at.
Who is under the table?
It’s mi brother Ted.

P22: V is in Five
And also in seven,
It is in twelve
And in eleven.

P1: W is for Where
And also for Why.
Little boy Willie,
Why do you cry?

P2: X is in six
And also in box,
I see a fox
In a little box.

P3: Y is for Zebra
And also for Zoo.
I like to watch zebra
That lives in the Zoo.

2. T: Now you know the Englis. (A B C)
- Вот вы познакомились с английским алфавитом.
- Let’s sing "The ABC song".

3. T: Let’s play "Find the letter"
- Я буду показывать вам заглавные буквы и задавать вопрос: What is this? (Что это?)
- Вы будете показывать соответствующие строчные буквы и отвечать. Вот ваши карточки. What is this?

Ch.: It is "a". (показывают буквы)
T: Well done! А теперь наоборот. Я буду вам показывать строчные буквы, а вы найдите и покажите заглавные буквы. (Учащиеся получают баллы за свои ответы)

4. T: Here you can see "the Magic tree". (Здесь вы можете увидеть "Волшебное дерево")
- Name the colours, please. (Учащиеся подходят к макету "Волшебного дерева" и называют цвета "волшебных яблок")
Ch: Red, yellow, pink, green, purple, brown, orange, blue, grey, violet.

Action Time (Физминутка)

6. T: The game "The words from" the word box"". Read and translate the words. (Учащиеся читают и переводят слова на карточках)

7. T: And now is the game "Find the letter!" (Учащиеся находят спрятанные на карточках буквы, записывают и называют их)

Заключительный этап урока

Подсчет баллов. Выставление оценок.


Карточки для чтения и перевода английских слов

  • a mouse, a hen, a cat, a dog, a pig, a duck, a pet, a parrot;
  • smart, cute, nice, kind, talented, merry, big, little, evil, small, brave, friendly, funny, silly, unlucky, joyful;
  • like, sing, dance,play tricks, tell tales, paint, read, help.
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