Конспект урока английского языка 2 класс "Home cooking"

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to:

  • recognise the spoken form of familiar words and expressions;
  • read and spell out words for others.

Lesson objectives:

  • All learners will be able to: say name of the food.
  • Most learners will be able to: to determine healthy and unhealthy food.
  • Some learners will be able to: read the text without errors.

Ход урока

Beginning of the lesson

Hello to everyone. How are you today?
Let's sing a song together!
Theme of our lesson is home cooking.


Choose one cell at one by one and name the following things.
Checking up your homework.
To check the homework, let's play the hot chair game. To do this, students call new words in Kazakh and one student who is sitting on a chair speaks English.


Let's divide into two groups. To do this, choose one card. There are fruits and vegetables on the cards.
Who has a fruit, sit here and who has a vegetable, sit here.
The lesson will be evaluated by the number of smiles. For each correct answer you get one smiles.

Task 1

Let's repeat the name of the food. I will show the cards and you will call what it is. Which group is the first answer correctly receives the card. Whoever has more cards gets one smile.


Descriptors: say the names of the words quickly and correctly.

Let's divide into two groups. To do this, choose one card. There are fruits and vegetables on the cards. Who has a fruit, sit here and who has a vegetable, sit here.
The lesson will be evaluated by the number of smiles.
For each correct answer you get one smiles.

Task 2

Let's repeat the name of the food. I will show the cards and you will call what it is. Which group is the first answer correctly receives the card. Whoever has more cards gets one smile.
Descriptors: say the names of the words quickly and correctly.

Task 3

Answer a few questions. To decide who will answer, you will throw a ball to each other to the music. Whoever has the ball when the music stops will answer. You will get one smile for each correct answer.

Do you like vegetables?
Do you like chips?
Do you like apples?

Do you like chocolate?
Do you like juice?
Do you like bananas?

Descriptors: answer the questions correctly.

Physical exercises

Are you tired? Let's sing a song "Clap your hands".
Task 4

Choose one card and stick it on healthy or unhealthy food.

Vegetables       Fruits
Burgers          Chips
Apples            Bananas

Sandwiches      Chocolate
Cheese           Juice
Salad             Tea

Pizza              Cake
Hotdog           Coca-cola


  1. To name the words correctly.
  2. Stick the card into the appropriate group.

Task 5

Read the text and complete the tasks for it.

I’m Ann. My favourite food is pizza. I like chips and sandwiches, too. I don’t like chicken and eggs. My friend Bob likes chocolate and ice-cream, but he doesn’t like orange juice and a chocolate cake. He’s got a dog. It likes meat and biscuits.

Ex 1.
Underline the words that are in the text.
Ann, pizza, burgers, chips, bananas, apples, eggs, chocolate, cheese.

Ex 2.
Complete the sentences according to the text.

1. Ann's favourite food is
1) chips 2) pizza 3) sandwiches

2. Ann doesn’t like
1) eggs 2) meat 3) burgers

3. Bob has got
1) cat 2) dog 3) mouse

4. Bob likes
1) oranges 2) ice-cream 3) apples

5. His dog likes
1) sweets 2) chocolate 3) meat


  1. Read the text.
  2. Underline the words that are in the text.
  3. Complete the sentences according to the text.

End of the lesson

How do you feel yourself at the lesson?
Draw yourself in a smiley face.

Home task

DO you like...?DO you like...?

How many smiles are there in your group?
Saying goodbye.

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