Конспект урока английского языка 2 класс "Глаголы say, speak, tell"

Цель урока:

  • развитие навыков использования глаголов: say, speak, tell;
  • активизация навыка монологической речи;
  • тренировка грамматических навыков.

Оснащение урока: транскрипционные карточки; карточки с заданиями, картинки.

Языковой материал: глаголы по теме: "говорить, сказать"; фразовые глаголы для успешного изучения данной темы.

Ход урока

Организационный момент

- Good morning, boys and girls! (Good morning!)
- I am glad to see you. (We are glad to see you too)
- How are you? (We are fine, thanks. And how are you?)

- I am fine, thank you. Sit down, please.
- I’m a teacher and my name is Natalya Aleksandrovna. I’ll be teaching you English from now on.
- Today we will remember the differences of using the verbs "to speak", "to say", "to tell". After that, we will talk about "the 1st September".

Фонетическая зарядка

- Let's remember some English sounds. It is time to train our tongues.
- Dima, come to my table, please, and choose one of the cards with the sounds.

[t] - table, want, into, two, autumn, history, Italy;

[s] – see, sea, son, sun, stand, stop;

[m] - mother, home, summer, computer, sometimes, Maths;

[p] – pen, pencil, pupil, top;

[ ] - London, monkey, donkey, money, fun, rubber, puppy;

[э:] - first, bird, girl, birthday.

Ученики хором повторяют звуки и слова за учителем, отрабатывая их произношение.
- Thank you. Not bad.

Речевая зарядка

- And now, children, I ask you some questions.

If you live in Russia then you are ... (Russian)
If you live in Germany then you are ... (German)
The school clothes has named a ... (uniform)

English language is a ... (foreign language)
You have a school subject where you work with numbers. What is this subject? (Maths)

Основной этап урока

- And now you write a dictionary dictation. Look at the blackboard. There you can see the words. Some letters are missing.
- You need write in correct form and translate at your lists. You have 5 minutes.

Write words in correct formWrite words in correct form

- Hand in your lists. Now let’s remember the verbs "to speak", "to say", "to tell".Open your books, please. Let's do exercise 11, page 10. Will you read the task, Natasha?

Ученикам предлагается прочитать информацию из упр. 11, с. 10 и перевести все примеры употребления слов-синонимов to speak, to tell, to say. Затем ученики записывают эти слова с переводом в словарик.

- Now you will translate the sentences.

  • Она говорит, что хочет пойти домой. (She says that she wants to go home)
  • Давай поговорим о погоде. (Let's speak about the weather)
  • Расскажи мне о своих друзьях. (Tell me about your friends)
  • Он любит рассказывать смешные истории. (Не likes to tell funny stories)

В помощь ученикам на доске развешены картинки, где отображены случаи употребления этих глаголов-синонимов.
- Don’t mix up this verbs! OK, open your exercise books and begin to do exercise 12. There you must put one word in each space. You have three minutes.

Учащиеся письменно выполняют упр. 12, с. 10. Затем ученики зачитывают предложения и объясняют причину употребления тех или иных вариантов.


- It's time to have a rest. Stand up, please. Let's do exercises.

Hands up and down,
Hands behind the head
And sit down!

- It is time to find out if you like or don't like to go to school. Look at the plan on the blackboard and tell us about your likes and dislikes.

  1. Do you like to go to school? Why?
  2. Your favorite subjects at school.
  3. The things you want to be changed.

Also you can use a phrasal verbs:

to meet friends – встречаться с друзьями
to have fun during the break – веселиться на переменке
to get good marks – получать хорошие оценки

- Your stories are very interesting! Attention!
- We have an extra two – three minutes.

Домашнее задание

- And now listen to me. Write down your homework. Make-up 7 sentences.
- It’ll be your short story "Tell the class" (ex. 14, p. 10), use ex. 13, p. 10. Do you get it?

Подведение итогов

- Vika, your mark is a four.
- That’s the bell! Slow down! Thank you for your work.
- Good-bye, children!

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