Лексико-грамматический тест по английскому языку для 10 класса

Лексико-грамматический тест для контроля знаний учащихся 10 класса по английскому языку. Работа состоит из тестовых заданий и задач на знание изученной лексики и грамматических правил языка.

Vocabulary and Grammar Test 10 F

I. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences below.

(5 points)

1. Those … are too noisy.
a) person
b) persons
c) people
d) peoples

2. The police … called very often here. It's a criminal district.
a) are
b) were
c) is
d) was

3. I saw … on that farm for the first time in my life.
a) goose and sheep
b) geese and sheep
c) gooses and sheeps
d) geese and sheeps

4. His clothes … so dirty that I tried to stay away from him.
a) are
b) were
c) is
d) was

5. The news … very sad, but she remains calm.
a) are
b) were
c) is
d) was

II. Form the Plural Form.

Ex: merry-go-round - merry-go-rounds. (5 points)

  1. phenomenon
  2. mother-in-law
  3. ox
  4. chief
  5. means

III. Choose the correct verb forms in the Conditionals.

(5 points)

1. I … those papers if I had had a little bit more time. Alas!
a) had found
b) will find
c) would find
d) would have found

2. If you warm water, it …
a) evaporate
b) evaporates
c) will evaporate
d) would evaporate

3. I would have bought that car if I … enough money that day.
a) had
b) would have
c) had had
d) will have

4. I won’t feel well if I … enough.
a) wouldn`t sleep
b) don`t sleep
c) won`t sleep
d) didn`t sleep

5. If Jane … this medicine yesterday, she would feel better now.
a) take
b) took
c) has taken
d) had taken

IV. Use the correct verb forms in the Conditionals.

(10 points)

Dialogue 1

Ann: How was your Spanish exam, Claire?
Claire: Fine, I guess. I got a B. I could have got a better mark provided I 1. (work) harder on the verbs. And you?
Ann: I didn’t study and I failed, but I 2. (not, fail) even if I had studied, that’s why I decided not to do it.

Claire: That’s not true. Nobody fails an exam as long as they 3. (study)
Ann: That’s easy for you to say. If you 4.(be) in my shoes, you would think differently. Sometimes people work hard but they don’t get the results they want.

It’s different for you. For you it’s easy to succeed in whatever you want to succeed.
Claire: That’s unfair. I wouldn’t be where I am today if I 5. (not, work) very hard all these past years.

V. Complete the sentences with the expression "to buy a new car".

Use the Infinitive or the Gerund of the verb "to buy" after the verbs/ (5 points)

  1. I want ...
  2. I suggest ...
  3. I decided ...
  4. I recommend ...
  5. I hope ...
  6. I feel like ...
  7. I managed ...
  8. I would appreciate ...
  9. I will not refuse ...
  10. I have denied ...

VI. Complete the sentences using either the Infinitive or the Gerund.

(10 points)

  1. He used ... (think) that life ended at 40, but now when he’s 41, he knows it’s not true.
  2. It’s five in the morning. I’m not used to ... (get) up this early.
  3. There used ... (be) a cinema in our village but it closed down long ago.
  4. I’m sorry... (hear) that your mother isn’t well.
  5. I’m sorry for... (be) late .
  6. I’d like... (cook) something special when guests come.
  7. What do you feel like ... (do) tonight?
  8. I looked forward to ... (see) you again soon.
  9. Is it worth ... (run) such an awful risk?
  10. Harry looked so funny that I couldn’t help ... (laugh).

VII. Use the right article (a, an, the, - ) where necessary.

(10 points)

  1. When I am not in … hurry, I like to go on … foot.
  2. As…rule, I go to … work by … bus.
  3. She went to … bed very early.
  4. Sam used … drugs and was sent to … prison in … August. What … shame!
  5. He has been in … hospital for … month.
  6. … Greens are on … holiday now.
  7. The boy told … lie and we were at … loss. We asked him to tell…truth.
  8. What’s … matter? - I missed … 6 o’clock train.
  9. He plays … football and he can play…guitar very well.
  10. ...most famous world organizations are: ...United Nations (...UN), ... European Union, ... BBC, ... NATO, ... Greenpeace.

V. (2) Complete the sentences with the expression "to buy a new car".

Use the Infinitive or the Gerund of the verb "to buy" after the verbs. (5 points)

  1. I want ...
  2. I suggest ...
  3. I decided ...
  4. I recommend ...
  5. I hope ...
  6. I feel like ...
  7. I managed ...
  8. I would appreciate ...
  9. I will not refuse ...
  10. I have denied ...

VI. (2) Complete the sentences using either the Infinitive or the Gerund.

(10 points)

  1. He used ... (think) that life ended at 40, but now when he’s 41, he knows it’s not true.
  2. It’s five in the morning. I’m not used to ... (get) up this early.
  3. There used ... (be) a cinema in our village but it closed down long ago.
  4. I’m sorry... (hear) that your mother isn’t well.
  5. I’m sorry for... (be) late .
  6. I’d like... (cook) something special when guests come.
  7. What do you feel like ... (do) tonight?
  8. I looked forward to ... (see) you again soon.
  9. Is it worth ... (run) such an awful risk?
  10. Harry looked so funny that I couldn’t help ... (laugh)

VII. (2) Use the right article (a, an, the, - ) where necessary

(10 points)

  1. When I am not in … hurry, I like to go on … foot.
  2. As…rule, I go to … work by … bus.
  3. She went to … bed very early.
  4. Sam used … drugs and was sent to … prison in … August. What … shame!
  5. He has been in … hospital for … month.
  6. … Greens are on … holiday now.
  7. The boy told … lie and we were at … loss. We asked him to tell…truth.
  8. What’s … matter? - I missed … 6 o’clock train.
  9. He plays … football and he can play … guitar very well.
  10. ...most famous world organizations are: ...United Nations (...UN), ... European Union, ... BBC, ... NATO, ... Greenpeace.

Vocabulary and grammar test key 10 F

I. 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. c

II. 1. phenomena 2. mothers-in-law 3.oxen 4.chiefs 5. Means

III. 1. d 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. d

IV. Dialogue 1
1. had worked
2. would have failed
3. study
4. were
5. hadn`t worked

To buy a new car – 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.
Buying a new car – 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.

VI. 1. to think 2. getting 3. to be 4. to hear 5. being 6. to cook 7. doing 8. seeing 9. running 10. laughing.

1. a, -
2. a, - , -
3. –
4. - , - , -, a
5. - , a
6. –
7. a, a, the
8. the, the
9. - . the
10. the, the, the, the, the, - , -,

Шкала отметок:

10: 46-50
9: 41-45
8: 36-40
7: 31-35
6: 26-30
5: 21-25
4: 16-20
3: 11-15
2: 6-10
1: 1-5

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