Контрольная работа по английскому языку (тест) Spotlight 9 (module 1)

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для учащихся 9 класса УМК Spotlight 9 (Английский в фокусе 9 класс) модуль 1.

Контрольная работа выполнена в виде теста и включает 6 заданий в 2-х вариантах.

Тест по английскому языку Spotlight 9

Вариант I

Задание 1. Используйте глаголы в скобках в форме Present Continuous или Present Simple.

  1. I ... English exercises twice a week. (to write)
  2. My friend ... his homework in the afternoon as a rule. (to do)
  3. My sister ... her homework now. (to do)
  4. Don’t shout! The baby ... (to sleep)
  5. The baby always ... after dinner. (to sleep)
  6. What ... you ... now? (to read)
  7. What books ... you ... for your literature lessons? (to read)
  8. What ... your mother usually ... for lunch? (to cook)

Задание 2. Заполните пропуски, употребив нужное относительное местоимение: who, whom, whose when, where, which.

  1. This is the shop ... was awarded as the best shop in the city.
  2. They like holidays ... last for a few days.
  3. The man ... broke into our house was caught in two days.
  4. She visits her grandmother ... lives in countryside every summer.
  5. Moscow ... lots of events are held every year, is the capital of Russia.
  6. The bookshelf ... we bought last week has broken down.
  7. John, ... brother is a clown, is throwing a costume party next week.
  8. The woman ... car had broken down on her way home spend 3 hours waiting for help.
  9. December 25th, ... Christmas takes place, is also my parents’ anniversary.

Задание 3. Заполните пропуски предлогами for, of, with in.

  1. The road was crowded ... cars and buses heading for the festival.
  2. My little brother is afraid ... the load noise that fireworks make when they go off.
  3. Are you interested ... going to a fancy dress party tonight?
  4. Everyone was pleased ... the success of the Arts Festival.
  5. Bill’s tired ... doing the same thing for his birthday every year.
  6. Don’t tell me you still believe ... Santa Clause!
  7. The Toronto Film Festival is famous ... appearances by major Hollywood stars.
  8. The reason ... this meeting is to talk about the school festival.
  9. Are you pleased ... the decorations we have chosen?
  10. She is interested ... learning more about traditional celebrations.

Задание 4. Вставить предлоги после фразового глагола turn.

  1. When I heard my favourite song on the radio I turned it ... loud and danced around my apartment.
  2. Will you turn ... the TV? Dad is sleeping.
  3. I asked this girl out for a date and she turned me ...
  4. The old dress was turned ... a skirt.
  5. It was beginning to rain, therefore we decided to turn ...

Задание 5. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова. В задании есть лишние слова и могут попасться повторяющиеся!

Bright, cooking contest, raise money, change of clothes, competition, street parade, fireworks display, march, transformed, return, Feel, strong, make, contest, life.

  1. Why don't you take part in this …? I'm sure you will be a winner!
  2. All the girls were excited to see Disney princesses at that colourful….
  3. I think you should take a spare … on your camping trip.
  4. If you see a spider, … sure you don’t kill it; I’ve heard it’s bad luck.
  5. I believe that it's a … idea to enter the…
  6. It’s amazing how the town residents have … the local square into an open-air theatre for next week/s music festival.
  7. Over the years, this organization has … A lot of money for different local charities.

Задание 6. Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами А–F, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами 1–7. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

  1. How does Coca-Cola invest in sport?
  2. How was a famous bottle invented?
  3. What do you need to make a drink?
  4. What are countries where people don't buy Coca-Cola? 5. How much does an average American spend on the drink?
  5. What holiday is associated with Coca-Cola?
  6. What are the negative side effects of drinking a lot of Coca-Cola?

A. For many years the Coca-Cola recipe was kept as a secret. According to the Coca-Cola creator's best friend whose note was found in his diary, the recipe is quite simple, and it contains fifteen ingredients including cinnamon, neroli, coriander and nutmeg oil. It is believed that it's not so complicated to make a well-known drink even at home.

B. During a lot of time Coca-Cola drink was offered people via soda fountains. Just at the end of the nineteenth century due to three businessmen, a signature bottle appeared. The creation of the bottle took a few more years. As it was believed that Coca-Cola was made from the cocoa bean, the bottle was in the shape of it.

C. Being the most consumed and top-selling beverage, Coca-Cola is banned in North Korea and Cuba. The reason for it is that Coca-Cola has always been considered as the symbol of capitalism and associated with America. Shortly speaking, a daily drink was involved in politics. Despite all obstacles, the sales figures are increasing dramatically without any serious competitors.

D. No one can imagine Christmas without Coca-Cola. Every Christmas season starts with a new advertisement on TV with its recognizable melody and lyrics. In 1931 the image of Santa Clause holding a bottle of Coca-Cola was created. Nowadays the associations with this magical man don't go without Coca-Cola. One more commercial symbol is a big truck that delivers Coca-Cola to people all around the world as well as festive time and holidays.

E. The Coca-Cola Company is the longest-standing partner of the Olympic Movement. It has been supporting Olympic Games and surroundings competitions since 1928. Also, it supports young sportsmen through sponsorships. Traditionally, every Olympic year starts with the announcement of the beginning of a new collection. People all around the world collect bottle caps to win a prize or to become a part of the cheerful movement.

F. No matter how delicious it is, Coca-Cola negatively influences people's health as it's a sugary drink. It provokes a lot of various problems such as obesity, tooth cavity and diabetes. This beverage increases blood sugar levels rapidly and affects the pleasure centres of the brain in a similar way as a drug. Recently a fake fact has been spreading on the Internet about the COVID-19 positive test on a glass of Coca-Cola. Certainly, it's false.

Вариант II

Задание 1. Заполните пропуски глаголами в скобках в форме Present Continuous или Present Simple.

  1. She ... (run) because she's late for her lesson.
  2. Our teacher always ... (give) us lots of homework.
  3. We ... (not want) to go to the street parade.
  4. What time ... (you / meet) Pete tomorrow?
  5. I ...(not work) today. I'm on holiday.
  6. People ... (speak) English in Jamaica.
  7. Archie ... (not use) his computer at the moment.
  8. (Tony / live) ... near the park?

Задание 2. Вставьте в пропуск нужное относительное местоимение: who, whom, whose when, where, which.

  1. May 1st, … The May Festival takes place, is his birthday.
  2. Nick, … favourite food is sandwiches, really likes picnics.
  3. She was wearing a dress ... looked like princess’.
  4. Tom, … lives in the flat bellow, is a waiter.
  5. The girl ... brother go with me to the gym is a good singer
  6. My best friend ... I know for years will never let me down
  7. A woman ... son was crying paid no attention to him.
  8. The man ... was sitting on the bench turned around and saw his granddaughter.
  9. Perugia, ... the Eurochocolate Festival is held every year, is a city in central Italy.

Задание 3. Заполните пропуски предлогами for, of, with in.

  1. Are you interested ... going to a fancy dress party tonight?
  2. Bill’s tired ... doing the same thing for his birthday every year.
  3. Don’t tell me you still believe ... Santa Clause!
  4. Are you pleased ... the decorations we have chosen?
  5. The reason ... this meeting is to talk about the school festival.
  6. My little brother is afraid ... the load noise that fireworks make when they go off.
  7. Everyone was pleased ... the success of the Arts Festival
  8. She is interested ... learning more about traditional celebrations.
  9. The Toronto Film Festival is famous ... appearances by major Hollywood stars.
  10. The road was crowded ... cars and buses heading for the festival

Задание 4. Вставить нужные предлоги после фразового глагола turn.

  1. It was beginning to rain, therefore we decided to turn ...
  2. I asked this girl out for a date and she turned me ...
  3. Will you turn ... the TV? Dad is sleeping.
  4. The old dress was turned ... a skirt.
  5. When I heard my favourite song on the radio I turned it ... loud and danced around my apartment.

Задание 5. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова. (в задании есть лишние и повторяющиеся слова)

Bright, cooking contest, raise money, change of clothes, competition, street, fireworks display, march, transformed, return, Feel, strong, make, contest, life.

  1. Over the years, this organization has … for local charities.
  2. Lots of festivals have …
  3. I believe that it's a … idea to enter the …
  4. Henry really enjoyed the opportunity to experience … As a knight at England’s Medieval Festival last month
  5. We always sing Christmas carols during the holidays, as it is a … tradition in my family
  6. The children were thrilled to see Disney floats at this year’s colourful … parade
  7. Why don’t you take part in the cooking … ? I’m sure you’ll be winner!

Задание 6. Прочитайте тексты (A-F) и выберите нужный заголовок для каждого (1-7). Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. (в задании есть лишний заголовок)

  1. What is the way you can involve your family into discussing eating habits?
  2. What are some actions you can take in order not to become depressed?
  3. How are the two types of vegetables and fruit compared?
  4. Why do you need to plant something yourself?
  5. How did the virus change teenegers' plans?
  6. When is the most dangerous time to eat fast food?
  7. How can you motivate yourself to eat healthily?

A. At all times, teenagers love to meet companies, communicate and engage in various activities. But we are faced with a situation where this has become simply impossible. Not so long ago, shopping centers and cafes, cinemas and even sports grounds were closed. Many adolescents were deprived of the opportunity to engage in their favorite activities. This could provoke depression and physical discomfort.

B. If you feel that you are sad and not in the mood at all, try to distract yourself. You can read a new book or watch a new or favorite comedy with friends. You can learn something new or meet your relatives. A walk in the park will help you breathe fresh air, warm up and clear your mind of negative thoughts.

C. Eating healthy isn't always boring. Find healthy ingredients that you love. Add bright, seasonal fruits and vegetables to your diet to boost your mood. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. It will make you feel fun, easy, and healthy.

D. Family members often have food preferences. Discussing them will help you plan your meal purchases and menu for the week. Family dinners and favorite treats can be scheduled for each family member. Everyone will be happy and will not have to buy more food than necessary or cook all day.

E. Our grandparents used to say that self-grown products are tastier and healthier. It is not so popular now to have large vegetable gardens, but it is quite common to grow greens on the windowsill. It refreshes the apartment, disciplines and gives a sense of pride in doing something with your own hands. It's nice to put greens that you have grown yourself in the salad.

F. Green vegetables and fruits are very beneficial for the body. Often they are low in calories. They help to saturate the body with oxygen, and this speeds up the metabolism and maintains a slim figure. And from the point of view of psychology products of a rich green color do not so induce a person to eat.

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