Тест по английскому языку для 9 класса "Использование инфинитива и герундия после глаголов"

Проверка грамматических навыков учащихся 9 класса по теме "Использование инфинитива и герундия после глаголов".

Работа состоит из 2-х вариантов по 3 задания в каждом:

  • The Infinitive or the Gerund?
  • Put the necessary preposition with, against, about, down, against.
  • Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.

Variant 1

Task 1. The Infinitive or the Gerund?

  1. Please don’t forget (to lock/locking) the door.
  2. I don’t mind (to do/doing) the dishes.
  3. Susan promised not (to come/coming) home late.
  4. Do you remember (to say/saying) that to her.
  5. The joke was so funny, we couldn’t stop (to laugh/laughing).
  6. He offered (to carry/carrying) my bag.
  7. He decided (to move/moving) to another country.
  8. I spend a lot of time (to talk/talking) on the phone.
  9. We hope (to finish/finishing) the project on time.
  10. Tom was interested in (to study/studying) History.
  11. George was angry and refused (to speak/speaking) to me.

Task 2. Put the necessary preposition with, against, about, down, against.

  1. Sam and Tom are mad ... computers.
  2. Garry always rebels ... cruelty.
  3. The listeners got bored ... the report as it was very long.
  4. The boy heard an anecdote and shook ... laughter.
  5. Please, give me your mobile, mine has broken ...

Task 3. Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.

  1. Take the car and drive (anyplace/anyway).
  2. It is cold today but I want to walk in the park (anyway/anymore).
  3. You may come to me (anywhere/anytime) you want.
  4. Put your things down (anyway/anywhere) you can find some free space.
  5. Don’t cry! Your tears won’t help him (anytime/anyway).
  6. Our best player is hurt, we can’t continue the game (anymore/anyhow).

Variant 2

Task 1. The Infinitive or the Gerund?

  1. The teacher told Ann (to do/doing) the task again.
  2. It’s important (to eat/eating) healthy food.
  3. He stopped (to write/writing) letters to his brother. He doesn’t do it anymore.
  4. I remember (to walk/walking) this street every day.
  5. Sam enjoyed (to talk/talking) to Alice.
  6. We stopped (to take/taking) some photos of the sunset.
  7. Don’t leave without (to say/saying) goodbye.
  8. She offered (to help/helping) her mum about the house.
  9. I always forget (to water/watering) the flowers in the garden.
  10. They stayed at home until it stopped (to rain/raining).
  11. I am not in a hurry. I don’t mind (to wait/waiting).

Task 2. Put the necessary preposition of, down, against, with, about.

  1. Teenagers often rebel ... their parents.
  2. My brother is mad ... football.
  3. We heard his joke and shook ... laughter.
  4. The students got bored ... the lecture. It was too long.
  5. My car broke ... on the way home.

Task 3. Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.

  1. Why did you go there (anyway/anyplace)?
  2. He said I could go (anyplace/anyway) I wanted.
  3. The weather is cold but we’ll go to the country (anymore/anyway).
  4. You can travel (anyhow/anyplace) you want.
  5. It is raining, the children can’t play in the garden (anyhow/anymore).
  6. Have you seen him (anywhere/anyway)?
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Метки к статье: тесты, английский язык, 9 класс