Конспект урока английского языка 9 класс "Bollywood"

Цель урока: формировать лексические навыки по теме "Кино".


  • расширение и отработка словарного запаса по теме;
  • создать условия для отработки навыков и умений в чтении, говорении, восприятии речи на слух;
  • создать условия для отработки навыков анализа такого грамматического явления, как выражение общего предпочтения (prefer) и ситуативного предпочтения (would rather/ sooner).

УМК: "Spotlight 9" J. Dooley, O. Podolyako, J. Vaulina издательство "Просвещение", 2019 г.

Основные понятия: Hollywood, Bollywood, film industry, costumes, set, musical, nickname, villain, audience.

Ход урока

Мотивационный этап

Good morning. (Приветствуют учителя)
Take your seats, please.
How are you today?

I am glad to see all of you.
Well, as you know all our previous lessons were devoted to speaking about art and music.

Фиксирование индивидуального затруднения в пробном действии

Have you got any questions on your homework?
Has any of you seen the films about Batman?
Can you characterize the films using degrees of comparison of adjectives?

The text is about the films in which Batman is a superhero I have seen the Dark Night.
P1: The hero world in Burton’s Batman is the darkest and the ugliest of all Batman films.

Now, I’d like you to write down words related to films in three columns: verbs, people, types of films.

Подводящий диалог к теме урока "Индийское кино"
Do you know this word?
Now, let’s change the first letter into B. What word will you get? This is our topic for today.

Выявление места и причины затруднения

What do you know about Bollywood?
P1: Bollywood is an Indian film industry.
P2: Actors sing and dance a lot

What would you like to learn?
Let’s read the text of ex. 3 on page 80. (Читают текст на стр. 80 учебника, в парах проверяют правильность вставленных слов)

Listen and check. How many mistakes? (Слушают запись текста (CD учебнику), проверяя правильность вставленных слов в упр. 3)

What information was new for you?
P1: It is the largest film industry.
P2: Bollywood’s biggest audience is in Britain.

Ex 4. Answer the questions, please. (Устно отвечают на задания упр. 4.)
Which do you prefer, Hollywood films or Bollywood films?

Первичное закрепление нового материала

Work in pairs, please. Express your preferences according ex 6. On p.81

P1: I prefer going to the cinema to watching TV.
P2: I would prefer to go to the cinema than watch TV

So your home task for the next lesson will be to do Ex. 1 and 4 on page 47 in WB.

Самостоятельная работа

I’d like you to discuss in pairs your film preferences as in the example of exercise 7. (Составляют диалог по образцу упр. 7 ст. 81)

Включение в систему знаний

Now, let’s listen! How well you understand the words of today’s lesson. We’ll do ex. 9 at page 81 on SB. (Слушают о том какие фильмы любят
Включение в тренировочную деятельность; развитие навыков аудирования)

Sue prefers watching comedies because they make me laugh.


To sum up our lesson let’s make a sinquain. (Учащиеся составляют синквейн)

  1. Bollywood.
  2. Massive and romantic.
  3. Are made fast, sing, dance.
  4. They have predictable story lines.
  5. Film industry.

You've done a good job today! So, tell me:

  • What have you learnt today?
  • Was the lesson interesting for you?
  • What was difficult for you?
  • What did you like most of all?

Our lesson is over. Your marks are…
Now, you are free, good bye, see you the next lesson.

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