Конспект урока английского языка для 6 класса на тему "Types of shops"

УМК: "Forward" под ред. Вербицкой М.В. / Unit 12 (Shopping).

Аспект: чтение.

Тема урока: "Types of shops" (Типы магазинов)

Ход урока

Этап урока

Речевые действия учителя

Деятельность обучающихся

Организационный этап

Good morning, children!

I’m glad to see you. You may sit down.

Who is on duty today?

Who is absent?

What day is it today?

What date is it today? 

Good morning, teacher!

Один ученик отвечает: I am on duty today. Далее дежурный отвечает на вопросы учителя.

Лексическая разминка

Look at these words. Let’s read them and their transcriptions, match them please.

(списком даны типы магазинов: bakery, bookshop, candy shop, clothes shop, etc. и транскрипции к ним)


Обучающиеся читают слова вслух, сопоставляют их с транскрипциями

Bakery -  [ˈbeɪ.kər.i]

Bookshop - [ˈbʊk.ʃɒp]

Речевая разминка

Let’s play a game “I can buy”

I have a bag with lots of things inside. Take one and tell us where you can buy it.

Обучающиеся составляют предложения и отвечают по цепочке:

I can buy a lollipop in a candy shop. I can buy bread in a bakery. I can buy a coat in a clothes shop.

We can buy medicines at a chemist’s. We can buy pens and pencils at a stationer’s. We can buy newspapers at a newsagent’s.

Вывод о теме и цели урока

What names do shops in our city have?

What are we going to talk about?

What is the aim of our class? 

Well done.

Обучающиеся приводят примеры названий магазинов в городе: The supermarket has nameMonetka”, “Lenta”, etc. The candy shop has a name “Alenka”. A bakery has a name “Donut house”. 

We are going to talk about different shops. We should discuss shops today.

Основная часть урока

Guess the names of the shops in Britain and Russia. What name can have a toy shop? A shoe shop? A pet shop? A supermarket? A fishmonger’s?

Now pay attention to ex. 23 and match the names with the shops.

Let’s check and compare.

Ученики отвечают на вопросы: 

A toy shop can have a name “A doll’s house”. A shoe shop can have a name “High heel”. A pet shop can have a name “Cats and dogs”, etc.

McDonalds is a fast food restaurant. Tesco is a supermarket.


Учитель называет действия, которые необходимо выполнить, ускоряется.

Stand up! Hands up! Hands sown! Hands on hips! Sit down! Look at the floor! Etc.

Обучащиеся выполняют действия.

Работа с текстом

We are going to read the text. First, read it yourself.

Now I will ask some students to read, you should follow them, because I will stop and ask to continue.

Во время смены учеников учитель спрашивает: Washe/sheright? Have you heard any mistakes in reading?

Well done.

What types of shops are mentioned in this text?

Please, underline all the names of the shops, which you met in the text.

Ученики первый раз читают текст про себя, затем читают вслух и следят друг за другом. Отвечают на вопросы учителя.

He was right. She had a mistake in a word “department”. 


There are banks, supermarkets, chemist’s, music shops and others.

A chemist’s has a name “Boots”, Bank is “Barclays”, etc.

Послетекстовый этап

There are 5 statements. Answer if they are true or false using the text. Let’s do it one by one. 

Now prepare your own statement which is true or false due to this text. Ask your classmates.

Ученики предлагают свои утверждения:

You can eat French food in every pub. The most famous supermarket is Tesco.

Закрепление изученного материала

You’ve worked hard!

Close your books. Take one question and answer it fast! (учитель предлагает вытащить один вопрос и быстро ответить на него)

What do the chemist’s sell?

Are there a lot of foreign restaurants in Britain?

What are the names of fast food restaurants?

What are the names of the most common supermarkets?

Chemist’s sells medicines.

Yes, there are. There are a lot of Japanese, French, Italian restaurants in Britain.

There are lots of fast food restaurants: McDonalds, KFC, Subway and others.

The most common supermarkets are Tesco and Waitrose.

Заключительный этап

It’s time to finish our lesson. Answer these questions, please.

What have we done today?

What did you enjoy most?

Write down your homework:

Ex. 25 p.38 (wr)

Учитель комментирует выполнение ДЗ и выставляет оценки за урок.

Thank you for your work! Bye!

Ученики отвечают на вопросы: We have discussed different shops in Russia and Britain. I enjoyed speaking about different things I can buy in some shops.

Ученики записывают ДЗ, подают дневники.

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