План-конспект урока английского языка в 6 классе "Places in my city"

План-конспект урока по английскому языку в 6 классе по УМК "Forward" (под ред. Вербицкой М.В.), Unit 12 (Shopping)

Аспект: письмо.

Тема урока: Places in my city (Места моего города).

Ход урока

Этап урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность обучающихся

Организационный этап, введение обучающихся в ситуацию иноязычного общения (3 минуты)

Good morning, children!

I’m glad to see you. You may sit down.

Who is on duty today?

Who is absent?

What day is it today?

What date is it today?

Good morning, teacher! Один ученик отвечает: I am on duty today. Далее дежурный отвечает на вопросы учителя.

Лексическая разминка (3 минуты)

Look at these tongue twisters, read as fast as you can. Who will be the winner?

Two tiny tigers take two taxis to town.

I shot the city sheriff.

Shut up the shutters and sit in the shop.

Обучающиеся читают скороговорки по цепочке, кто быстрее и правильнее справился – победитель разминки.

Речевая разминка (7 минут)

Look here. You see the sign: places in the city, name them as more as you can. (учитель записывает названия в кластер)

Now you will take a question, and your task is to answer it using these words.

For example: Where can I swim? You can swim in the swimming pool.

Обучающиеся отвечают на вопросы:

You can have a haircut at a barber. You can take cash in the bank. You can buy ear rings at the jewelry shop. You can have a workout at the gym. You can take some books in the library.

Вывод о теме урока и цели урока (2 минуты)

What are we going to talk about?

What is the aim of our class?

Well done.

We are going to talk about different places in the city.

We should discuss places around us.

Основная часть урока: аудирование (9 минут)

Look at these words on the blackboard: post office, department store, bank, swimming pool, etc.

We are going to listen to the text about one city. During the first listening you should understand what is mentioned in the text.

Now you will have a text with gaps, fill in them during the second listening. (учитель раздаёт тексты с пропусками – 2 варианта)

Now change with your neighbor and check the answers. How many right answers do you have?

Ученики читают задание и слова из таблицы, затем прослушивают текст первый раз и называют, какие слова они услышали.

Ученики получают текст с пропусками, которые необходимо заполнить во время второго прослушивания.

Обучающиеся обмениваются текстами, осуществляют проверку друг друга.

Физминутка (1 минута)

Учитель организует демонстрацию видео песни "If you are happy"

Обучащиеся выполняют действия и повторяют слова.

Основная часть урока: подготовка к письменному высказыванию (7 минут)

We are going to write about our city. So, open your copy books.

What are the main 3 parts of any speech you prepare?

You’re right: an introduction, a main body and a conclusion.

Is there an introduction in the text in the book?

Write number 1 and the word “Introduction”. What should be in this part if our topic is “The places in my city”?

It’s a good idea. So, write a sentence which is good for this introduction.

Ok, please read some examples.

Write number 2 and the word combination "A main body". What information should be here? 

You’re right. Make some main notes to talk about it later.

And write number 3, "Conclusion". What should we speak about in this part? Write your ideas. 


Обучающиеся составляют план будущего письменного высказывания "The places in my city".

There are 2 main parts: an introduction, a main body and a conclusion. There is no introduction in the text. 

1. There are many public places in my city.

I live in the city where there are lots of places for people.

There are many places for people in the city I live.

2. In the second part we will write about some places around us, for example, banks, gyms, supermarkets and other places. 

3. We can make a conclusion about the most famous places in our region.

For example, the most famous public places in my city are supermarkets, clothes shops and candy shops.

Основная часть урока: письменное высказывание (10 минут)

You have a plan for your topic "The places in my city". Using the example in the book and notes you’ve written before, prepare a written speech in your copybook.

Обучающиеся составляют письменное высказывание по теме «Места моего города» в своих тетрадях.

Заключительный этап (рефлексия, запись ДЗ и комментарии к ДЗ)

(3 минут)

It’s time to finish our lesson. Choose one of the smile and write it on the blackboard due to your mood after the lesson.

And answer the question: what did you enjoy most today?

Write down your homework: Finish the text.

Учитель комментирует выполнение ДЗ и выставляет оценки за урок.

Thank you for your work! Bye!

Ученики рисуют смайлик на доске и отвечают на вопрос: I enjoyed speaking about different places in my city.

Ученики записывают ДЗ, подают дневники.

Тексты для аудирования

1 вариант
I live in East Sheen, near London. There are a lot of _____ (SHOPS) in East Sheen. In the High Street there are two banks, Lloyds and Barclays, and a _____ (POST OFFICE). There are two supermarkets, Waitrose and Tesco and a lot of shops including a bookshop, Boots the chemist’s, a _____ (SPORTS SHOP), a stationery shop and a pet shop. In Sheen Lane there is a library, two newsagent’s, a railway station, four _____ (RESTAURANTS), two pubs (The Railway and The Ship) and a music shop. There aren’t any cinemas or department stores in East Sheen and there isn’t a _____ (SWIMMING POOL), either.

2 вариант
I live in East Sheen, near London. There are a lot of shops in East Sheen. In the High Street there are two _____ (BANKS), Lloyds and Barclays, and a post office. There are two _____ (SUPERMARKETS), Waitrose and Tesco and a lot of shops including a _____ (BOOKSHOP), Boots the chemist’s, a sports shop, a stationery shop and a pet shop. In Sheen Lane there is a library, two newsagent’s, a _____ (RAILWAY STATION), four restaurants, two pubs (The Railway and The Ship) and a music shop. There aren’t any _____ (CINEMAS) or department stores in East Sheen and there isn’t a swimming pool, either.

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