Конспект открытого урока английского языка 5 класс "Cinema"

Цель урока: формирование коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся.


  • совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по теме "Фильмы и сериалы" по всем видам речевой деятельности;
  • способствовать овладению новой лексики по теме, развивать языковую догадку;
  • воспитывать понимание культуры страны изучаемого языка через ее понимание и сравнение с родной культурой.

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, ноутбук, аудиозапись, презентация, раздаточный материал, учебник, рабочие тетради, книга для учителя.

Ход урока

Организационный этап урока

- Good morning, students! How are you?
- Good morning! We are fine, thanks.
- Before we start our lesson, show me your mood, please. Is it good or bad? (обучающиеся показывают большим пальцем руки вверх "good" или вниз "bad")

Этап целеполагания и мотивации

- Open your books. Look at the lesson title . What is it about?
- Today we will talk about the different kinds of films you like watching.

- By the end of our lesson you’ll be able to talk about films and genres using the target vocabulary.
- Answer my questions. Be active and give the full answers.

  1. Do you like watching films? Why (not)?
  2. Do you go to the cinema? Why (not)?
  3. What genres do you know?
  4. What is your favourite genre?

Изучение новых знаний и способов деятельности

- We’re going to work with these worksheets. (Учитель раздает учащимся рабочие листы)

Exercise 1. Put the cinema words into the correct category

- Before you start say as many cinema words as you can. (The teacher writes the words on the board)
- Look at the words in the box and tick that are on the board.

- Now let’s categorise (People, food, objects) the words: 3D glasses actor director film star ice cream popcorn seat sweets ticket.
- Let’s categorise the other words on the board not in the activity.

Exercise 2. Listen and repeat

- Which types of films you can see in the photos on the board? Do you know these films? Take it in turns to point to different words for a partner to say.


Types of films: action film, adventure film, animation, fantasy film, historical film, horror film, musical, romantic comedy, science fiction film.

Этап применение изученного на практике

Exercise 3. Match the types of films in the Vocabulary box to descriptions 1–6

Work individually and compare answers with a partner.

  1. It has a lot of magic.
  2. People often sing in this type of film.
  3. It’s about love, but it’s also funny.
  4. You laugh a lot when you watch this type of film.
  5. It has a lot of scary moments.
  6. It doesn’t use real actors. It uses drawings.

Exercise 4. How many titles of the types of films in the Vocabulary box can you name?

Work individually.

  • Action film: "Wonder Woman", …
  • Adventure film: "Indiana Jones", …
  • Animation: …

Физминутка "Simon says…"

Exercise 5. Read the reviews and match them to the films you can see on the board

  1. Mia wants to become an actress. Sebastian dreams of being a jazz musician. They meet and fall in love. The music and dancing are great.
  2. It is the year AD 180 for and a Roman soldier must fight for his life in the Colosseum. The costumes are amazing.
  3. In a galaxy far away the Jedi fight against evil. The story is very exiting and the special effects are really good.
  4. A giant green monster and his friend, a talking donkey, must rescue a beautiful princess. It’s very funny.

Закрепления изученного материала

Exercise 6. Listen to the conversation with Harriet and complete the questionnaire

What type of films do you like watching?
What films don’t you like?
What’s the best film you’ve seen recently?

What types of books do you enjoy reading?
What books don’t you enjoy?

Exercise 7. In pairs ask and answer the questions in exercise 6

Подведение итогов. Рефлексия

- Thank you for your work. Snow me your mood, please. Is it good or bad now? (обучающиеся показывают большим пальцем руки вверх "good" или вниз "bad")
- Давайте вернемся к цели нашего урока, которую мы поставили с вами в начале нашей работы. Как вы считаете, мы добились поставленной цели?

- You see the tables on the desks, mark yourselves. (Перед собой на парте вы видите таблицу самооценки, оцените себя)
- Your marks for the lesson … (выставляю оценки за урок и комментирую их при необходимости)

Домашнее задание

- Learn new words and write a review for a film you know. (5-7 sentences)

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