УМК: "Английский язык. 4 класс" Авт.: Кузовлев В.П., Перегудова Э.Ш.
Цели урока:
Оборудование: ноутбук, проектор, УМК, презентация.
T: Good afternoon, children. I`m very glad to see you.
- Today we have many guests. Let`s greet them.
- Sit down, please. Now, close your eyes. Breath in. Breath out.
- Repeat after me:
I`m strong and health.
I`m smart and kind.
I`m young and happy.
I can everything!
- Open your eyes.
- We could begin by going over your homework. Your home task for today was to learn the names of professions.
- Let`s check it. I`ll show you pictures of people.
- You will tell me "what they are?" (учитель показывает картинки людей разный профессий на презентации, а дети называют их)
Учитель читает слова, затем класс повторяет хором:
Drink tea with raspberry jam - выпить чай с малиновым вареньем
Take tablets and drink much water-принять лекарство и выпить много воды
Drink hot milk and honey-выпить горячее молоко с медом
Stay in bed and keep warm-оставаться в постели и быть в тепле
- Children, the boy John sent you a letter from England. Let`s read it.
"Hello, children!
My name is John. I think, that there are a lot of different professions and it`s really hard to choose the one. I`m not sure who I`ll be in my future, but I`m going to be a doctor. This is an interesting profession. I like this profession, because I want to help people. I think that a doctor is the best profession. What do you think about this profession? What are you going to be?
With love, John"
- How do you answer to John's question? Yes, thank you.
Небольшой опрос детей, кем они собираются стать.
- Lisa, what are you going to be?
- Maxim, what are you going to be?
- Nastya, what are you going to be?
- So, how do you think what is our topic today?
- Right you are, our topic is "I am going to be a teacher".
- What we usually do on the lesson? (ответы детей)
- What will you do today?
- Yes, we will read, write listen, sing and speak
- Children, open your books to page 39, ex.1. Read to the dialogue. Now answer my question:
Учитель обращает внимание на выделенные слова в диалоге. Дети, с помощью какого выражения вы сможете рассказать, кем собираетесь, стать и что собираетесь делать?
- Вы правы, с помощью конструкции "to be going to". (Учитель объясняет случаи употребления этой конструкции)
- Look at exercise 2.
- Andy`s classmates are talking about their dream jobs.
- Listen to Ellie and guess her dream job.
- Write your answers in the notebooks.
- Decide in which of the sentences the information is True (T) and False (F)
Ученики выбирают из 7-ми предложенных утверждений верное, соответствующее рассказу девочки.
- Let`s have a rest. Stand up, please!
- Listen to the song and sing together. (Учитель включает видеоролик с песней "Going to the doctors")
- Now children, imagine that some of you have a health problem and you go to a doctor for advice.
- So work in pairs. Make up short dialogues "At the doctor".
- You must use this example and words.
- Hello, doctor!
- Hi, what’s your name?
- My name is Tanya.
- How old are you?
- I’m 13.
- Well, what’s your problem?
- I have got a sore throat, a temperature and a headache. What should I do?
- Oh, poor you. Sorry to hear that. Open your mouth, please. It’s red. And what’s your temperature?
- 37, doctor.
- I see. If you have got a sore throat, you should stay in bed. Drink hot milk with honey. And you will feel better soon.
- Thank you, doctor. Good-bye.
- Good-bye.
- Let's advice John to choose your favorite professions. What are you going to be?
- The leader of the group comes to the blackboard and tell us about his profession
Учитель делит учеников на группы, раздает плакаты, фломастеры. Детям раздается плакат А3, на нем они рисуют элемент профессии, пишут короткую информацию о профессии и защищают свои проекты у доски
Домашнее задание
- Now, pupils, the lesson is almost over. Open your diary and write down home task.
- At home you have Reader. Ex 1, p.74.
- What was our topic today?
- What did we do in class?
- So, did you like today’s lesson?
- Evaluate your work at the lesson. If the lesson was interesting for you - take green card.
- If the lesson was difficult - take red card and put it at the blackboard.
- If you have some questions - take orange card.
- We will discuss your questions in the next lesson. Thank you very much for the lesson. Goodbye!