УМК: "Английский язык III" для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка И.Н. Верещагина, К.А. Бондаренко и др.
Good morning, children! Sit down, please. How are you today?
Who is absent today?
Учитель задает вопросы учащимся:
What’s the date today?
What’s the weather like today?
На слайде стихотворение по теме "времена года".
Look at the screen. Read and translate the poem.
In the summer it is hot.
In the winter it is not.
In the spring there are flowers.
In the autumn there are showers.
What was the homework?
Look at the blackboard again and repeat the date. What did you name?
Number and…?
What is it?
We’ll learn new worlds of the month.
Tell me, please, which month do you know? Open your books page 79 ex 5. Write down the month in the dictionary.
Listen and repeat after me.
What comes after December? (before February, between November and January)
How many days are there in November?
What holidays do people celebrate in winter?
Do you like winter? Why?
Now I will ask in Russian, and you answer in English.
Then we will play "Snowball" You need ask in Russian, your classmates answer in English etc.
Предлагает выполнить упражнения c видео.
Чтение и составление своего диалога
Ex 6 page 80 read the dialogue by roles.
Write a similar dialogue and read.
Опрос учащихся по теме урока, выставление отметок.
Объяснение домашнего задания
P. 81 ex. 9 read and translate.
The lesson is over. Goodbye!