Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку 10 класс "Подростки и их проблемы"

Актуальность и воспитательная направленность внеклассного мероприятия: внеклассное мероприятие включает в себя материал, необходимый для самореализации и самоутверждения личности ребёнка.

Форма проведения внеклассного мероприятия в виде дискуссии являлась одним из применяемых в ходе мероприятия методов формирования учебной мотивации, что позволило настроить учащихся на работу, вовлечь в деятельность в ходе мероприятия.

Занятие направлено на формирование коммуникативной компетенций обучающихся. Общение на иностранном языке в ходе всего мероприятия является мощным фактором развития иноязычной речи у обучающихся. 

Для подготовки данного мероприятия были использованы УМК М.З. Биболетова "Enjoy English 10" (учебник английского языка для 10 класса общеобразовательных школ), а также Интернет ресурсы. Для проведения мероприятия были использованы карточки с лексикой и лексическими фразами по теме, программа Power Point, с помощью которого составлена презентация. 

Данное мероприятие было проведено в 10А классе. В группе 15 учащихся. Ученики достаточно активны, заинтересованы в обучении. Хорошо работают в группе. В процессе работы в группах были задействованы и более активные и менее активные учащиеся. Сам коллектив дружный, сплоченный. 

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для 10 класса на тему "Подростки и их проблемы (Youth and their problems)"


  • развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся на базе лексической темы «Подростки и их проблемы».
  • создание условий для самореализации при решении поставленных в ходе урока проблемы.


  • развитие коммуникативной компетенции, навыков монологической и диалогической речи;
  • формирование лексических знаний по теме.

Форма урока: урок-дискуссия по теме «Подростки и их проблемы».

Образовательные результаты:

  1. умение вести беседу по теме «Подростки и их проблемы»;
  2. знание и уместное использование в речи разговорных фраз;
  3. обогащение словарного запаса.

Оборудование: ноутбук, проектор, карточки с лексикой и лексическими фразами по теме. 

Ход урока

Организационный момент

T: Good morning, girls and boys, dear guests!Welcome to our talk-show “Time to speak”. And the theme is “Youth and their problems”. Youth is the period between being a child and being fully grown. This time is of mad nesses, the opening new acquaintances. It is a very nice period of life, but young people have a lot of problems. First of all, it is the time to enter higher educational institutions.

Now to find good educational institutions – the big problem. Sometimes they have to work to pay for their education. Second, it is the problem to get the job after graduating from the higher school. Third, it is the problem of leisure time.

Young people like to go to the disco, listen to music, to dance. In some towns there are not enough youth clubs where young people can spend their free times. The majority of young men spend a free time in the street. Often teenagers start to smoke and drink, than strongly undermine the health.

And the fourth problem appears – drugs abuse, one of the greatest problems of the humanity nowadays. Many people begin and continue using drugs because they want a pleasurable change in their state and mind, but the user’s real problems always remain.

Many drug users turn to crime to support their habit. Drug abuse also damages families and other personal relationships. These problems have great value for our youth.

Today we are trying to solve problems associated with youth. And I want to introduce our guests. They are:

- The chairman of the commission on the protection the rights of the child;

- The police chief: the policewoman;

- The psychologist.

T: Before the beginning of our discussion lets watch a small video.

Now let me introduce our heroine, and her parents. Heroine, tell us what happened with you?

Bad Pupil: I have some problems. My parents don’t understand me. They said that I should sit at home, do homework, and get only good marks. There stay no time to communicate with my friends, sit before computer. Don’t let me go out at the evening! It is very difficult! I am tied… I went out at home, tasted alcohol, drugs…but it isn’t solving my problems…

T: Well. We understand your problems. I want to give a word for our policewoman

T: O’K, we understand. Thank you. Next question I want to address for our psychologist, who can help the young people in difficult situations?

Psychologist: The first are their parents. Only they can save problems. Sometimes problems closely tied with parents and this time they can come to specialists. They always turn for help or advice.

T: And what think about this situation our the chairman of the commission, say us what do you think?

Chairman: - Our country is one of the richest in the world but why there are so many homeless, our schools haven’t modern equipment. We have some problems but we are sure that we solve them properly. We make mistakes but only those who do nothing make no mistakes. The best way to solve them is to be yourself and be responsible for your life.

T: Thank you for your opinion, and now I want to give a word for parents, say me please what do you think was it yours guilt?

Father:We try to be good parents. We did everything for her, bought her what she want, she spent a lot of time before computer, walked till night – but when we knew that she got worse and worse marks, behaved bad, we isolated from computer, demanded read a lot…

Mother: May be that it was our mistake. We must have been tried to speak with her, tried to understand what happened. We didn’t do that. Perhaps we missed something from our view.

T: Today in our discussion take part teacher of math and class leader. I’ll give you a word.

Math teacher: It is well-known that how old you are, you will still have problems and it is become more difficulty to solve it. Our teens want to express themselves, to try out all sorts of options, to protest against parents. And it happened with our pupil too.

Class teacher: As I am class teacher I want to say that she studied very well, got good marks. But one day she changed, we couldn’t help her because she didn’t contact us.

T: Thank you for your answers, and today in our studio there are classmates of our heroine, say us please, is it hard to live in our society? Do you prefer to cope with your problems yourself or to complain to somebody? Is it easy to be young?

Classmate 1: May I begin? It seems to me the life was hard in different times and a man always tried to cope with troubles.

Classmate 2: As for me I have a lot of complaints and I try to cope myself because my parents are always busy, I haven’t close friends. I’m sure that adults have the big troubles too but they have more opportunities and experience how to solve their, sometimes I advise my mum what she should do.

T: Girls, thank you. You may take your seats. And I want to ask our heroine and her parents take seats in our studio.

T: We come to the end of our show. So I have the last question: what we should do to solve our problems if we are youths?

Pupil 1: In my opinion we should try to be attentive with our parents? To their advices, mustn’t quarrel with them. If it happen should try to speak and understand each other.

Pupil 2: I always remember a good proverb, "A friend in need is a friend indeed". I like this proverb because it shows what a true friend must be. I like honest people.

T: It is time to finish our talk-show. Girls and boys thank you for your work today. I think you are get useful information from our lesson. I wish you to be careful, take care yourself and your relatives! The lesson is over. Good-bye!

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