Конспект урока английского языка в 8 классе на тему: "The structure of the eyes" (Строение глаза)

Цели обучения:

  • развивать знания, умения и навыки у учащихся, используя английский язык при обучении;
  • повышать качества знаний учащихся по предмету, используя терминологию на английском языке.

Цель урока: изучить биологические термины на английском языке.


  • Ученик знает: термины урока на английском языке.
  • Ученик понимает: задания, которые нужно выполнить на уроке.
  • Ученик умеет: защищать презентацию группы.

Ход урока

Приветствие учителя

- Good morning kids. I am glad to see you.
- What is the date today? (Today is the second of September)
- What day is today? (Today is ...)

- Who is absent today ? (Ф.И is absent today)
- What is the weather today? (It's sunny, windy today. It's snowing today. It's raining today ...)
- Let's continue our lesson.

Создание коллаборативной среды

Психологический настрой - игра "Локомотив"

- Сейчас я предлагаю вам немного поиграть. Выберите себе роли из шкатулки. Вы должны образовать поезд. Поезд торопиться приехать на станцию. Но по пути он встречает препятствия-деревья. Ему нужно объехать их не растеряв вагоны. Ученики-вагоны завязывают себе глаза.

- Who is the locomotive?
- Come to the board.
- Wagons go to the board

- Close your eyes.
- Trees get up here.
- Here goes!

Psychological [ˌsaɪ.kəlˈɒdʒ.ɪ.kəl] attitude [ˈætɪtjuːd]. Game "Locomotive"

- Now I suggest you play a little. Choose your roles from the box. You must form a train. Train hurry to arrive at the station. But along the way he encounters tree obstacles. He needs to go round them without losing cars. Pupil carriages blindfold.


- Get back to your place.
- Do you think there is a connection between this game and the theme of our lesson?
- There is a connection.
- Imagine what the topic of our lesson is.

Тема урока: Строение глаз. (The structure of the eyes)
Цель урока: Изучить биологические термины на английском языке. (The purpose of the lesson is learning new biological terms in English)
- Open your notebooks, write down the topic of the lesson.


- And now attention to the blackboard. I suggest you watch the training video. I ask you to carefully [ˈkeə.fəl.i] watch the video.
- What did you understand from this video?
- You can answer in Russian.

- Well done. Good job!
- And now we need to learn biological terms in English.

- I give you tables with new terms.
- Let's read these terms in order. Each one term.

Table with new termsTable with new terms


- And now we will work in groups.

- I will divide you into three groups.
- Captains of the groups Lisa, Roma, Angelina.

- The remaining guys are divided into groups according to their serial number.
- First second Third.
- First group, second group, third group.

- I give you envelopes with parts of the eye. You must collect the eye and sign its parts.
- I give you blank sheets. You must stick parts of the eye on these sheets.
- Five minutes for this job.

- Then we listen to the speakers of the groups. Rate the work of groups.
- Let's evaluate the work of the group.
- Thumb up is a great job. A finger to the side is a good job.


The structure of the eyeThe structure of the eye

- And now I suggest you make a model of the eye.
- Everyone chooses a role from the box.
- Now when everyone has roles, we will build a model of the eye.

- What part will we start building.
- Who is the outer shell?
- Sclera come to me.
- Go to the board.

- Who is the middle shell?
- Choroid come to me.
- Who is the inner shell?

- Retina come out. Get up here.
- Who is the cornea? Where do you get up? Stand in front.
- Who is the iris? Where do you get up? Stand behind the cornea.

- Who is the pupil? Where do you get up? The pupil rises inside the iris.
- Who is the lens? The lens rises behind the iris.
- Who are the visual receptors for rods and cones?

- Where do you get up?
- Visual receptors get up inside the retina.
- Who is the blind spot? Where do you get up?

- A blind spot rises inside the retina.
- Who is the yellow spot? Who is the vitreous?
- Vitreous fills the entire eye.
- Eye model is ready. Good job.


- Let's play a little.
- I will characterize some part of the eye. You must understand who I am talking about and jump forward.

- And the rest of the students should detain this student.
- Let's try.

  1. It is the outer shell of the eye. (Это наружная оболочка глаза)
  2. It is the middle shell of the eye.
  3. It is the inner shell of the eye.
  4. Gives color to the eye. (Дает цвет глазу)
  5. Transfer image to retina? (Передает изображение на сетчатку)
  6. Regulates the penetration of light into the eye. (Регулирует попадание света в глаз)
  7. Place cones congestion on the retina. (Место скопления колбочек на сетчатке)
  8. Place the exit of the optic nerve on the retina. (Место выхода зрительного нерва)
  9. Eye fill fluid. (Жидкость заполняющая глаз)
  10. It is a visual receptor. (Это зрительные рецепторы)

- Well done. Good job

Подведение итогов урока

- Let's sum up the lesson.
- You all worked well in class today.
- Let's get back to the goal of our lesson.

- Today in the lesson we learned biological terms in English.
- Everyone learned them according to their abilities.


- On the table you see a train. It consists of two coach [koʊtʃ]. On coach you stick sticks with your impressions.
- The first coach you liked in the lesson. The second coach did not like it.

Домашнее задание

- Homework is learn new terms.
- The lesson is over. Thanks to all.

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