Конспект урока английского языка на тему "Spending your free time"

Цели урока:

  • научить учащихся рассказывать о свободном времяпрепровождении, используя изученную лексику по теме;
  • познакомить с страноведческой информацией - подростки в Англии.


  • Совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков по теме.
  • Развитие навыков аудирования текста о школе в Англии.
  • Контроль усвоения лексических единиц и структур в устной и письменной речи.

Оборудование: нетбук, экран, проектор, аудиозапись, видеоролик о подростках в Англии, листы бумаги, фломастеры.

Ход урока

Организационный момент

Good morning, friends! I’ m glad to see you.
How are you? If you are ready, let’s start our lesson.

Прогнозирование темы урока

Try to predict our today's topic of the lesson. Let's speak.
How do you spend your free time?
When do you usually have free time?

Which of these activities do you like doing? (картинки)
How do you help your parents around the house?
Which is your favorite sport?
How do you think what we are going to speak about?

Работа с лексикой

Now make the expressions from these words.

Doing sport

Taking photos

Playing games

Going to the theatre, the cinema

Listen to music

Watching TV programs

Reading books

Visiting friends

Taking care of a pet, plants


What activities are the most popular in your class?

Отработка лексического материала

Now we will play a game which is called "a journalist of the town newspaper". She wants to ask you a few questions about spending free time.

  1. Good morning! I want to write an article about teenagers. I would like to ask you a few questions. I think all the people want to spend their free time in an interesting way. And what about teenagers?
  2. Do all the teenagers have hobbies?
  3. Have you already found something special for yourself?
  4. What is your hobby? Thank you.

Ответы учеников:

  1. I agree with you. All the people want to spend their free time in an interesting way. So do teenagers. They have different hobbies: dancing, music, sport, skiing, skating, roller-skating, playing computer games or watching TV.
  2. I don’t think so. We know that there are very many free time. But some of the teenagers have no hobbies. They don’t know what to do in their free time.
  3. Fortunately, I have a hobby now. My parents helped me to choose it.
  4. My hobby is…

Работа в парах

Now, please, divide in 2 groups.
Write down as many ways of spending free time for girls and boys as you can remind. And then the leader of the group will read aloud. (Ученики записывают на заранее выданных карточках)


Упр. 132.
How do British people spend their weekends? Now listen to the report and study the diagram. Find out which activities are more and less popular in Britain.
Which activities are more and less popular in Britain?

Грамматическое задание

And now let’s remember some prepositions. You have the cards. Complete these sentences with prepositions.

  • I’ m very interested … tennis. (of, in, for)
  • Where are you going … your holidays? (to, in, for)
  • I’ m fond … music. (to, in, of)
  • I’ m keen … boxing. (in, at, on)
  • I get pleasure … computer. (from, about, in)

Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия

We have spoken very much about spending your free time. We have done many exercises. And I want to say that all of you have worked well today. I’ll give you only good marks. I think that today’s lesson was useful for you.

Now let’s build a brick house of hobbies. But where are the bricks? Write what you liked or disliked at the lesson. Place the bricks on the house, please. (листочки прикрепляют на "Дом хобби")

And I want you to remember the proverb "Twice happy is the man who has a hobby".
I am happy, because I have a hobby. My hobby is growing flowers. We are happy because we have hobbies. The English say: "Who knows how to work, knows how to rest".
Our lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Goodbye!

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