Страноведческий материал на английском языке 11 класс "Творчество Евгения Носова"

Данный текст, посвященный творчеству писателя Евгения Носова, можно использовать как страноведческий материал на уроках английского языка в 11 классе.

Evgeny Nosov’s literary activity is an unbreakable bond between the past and the present.

Evgeny Ivanovich Nosov (January 15, 1925-June 12, 2002) was a Soviet and Russian writer whose literary talent is well-known in our country and abroad.

He developed the classical genres of Russian novels and stories and brought prose closer to people’s everyday life.

Evgeny Nosov was born in January 15, 1925 in Tolmachevo, a village in Kursk region. He came from a large peasant family that’s why Evgeny knew the life of simple people very well. He was only 16 when the Great Patriotic War began.

Evgeny Nosov (1925-2002)Evgeny Nosov (1925-2002)

In 1943 Nosov joined the Red Army. He was in the artillery battalion and destroyed a lot of enemy tanks. Evgeny Ivanovich was awarded the Order of the Red Star, the Order of the Patriotic War and some medals.

After the war Nosov worked as a graphic designer in different newspapers. In 1957 he seriously engaged in literary activity. His first book of stories “On the Fishing Trail” was highly appreciated in the Writer’s Union of the USSR.

The critics called Nosov "a country writer". However, in his best works readers find not only the narrow understanding of natural and living processes in a Russian village but the global philosophical understanding of existence of Russia and its peoples. A lot of Nosov’s novels and stories were translated into different languages, staged in theatres and shown in cinemas.

Evgeny Ivanovich died in June 12, 2002. He was buried in Kursk. The residents of the town remember this outstanding man. In his honor there are monuments and a memorial board in Kursk region. They spend annual literary readings. At school № 27 the literary museum works.


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Метки к статье: английский язык, 11 класс