Разработка урока к программе дополнительных занятий с одаренными обучающимися по английскому языку

Разработка занятия по практике ВРД (чтение/Reading) из блока Relationships/strong ties, базируемая на материале учебника New Headway Intermediate Liz and John Soars Oxford University Press 1996, с.9 2.

Возрастная группа: обучающиеся 10-11 класса.

Цель: совершенствование навыков одного из видов речевой деятельности – чтения.


  • активизировать знания лексических единиц по теме раздела;
  • совершенствовать навыки чтения на всех этапах работы с текстом;
  • совершенствовать навыки работы в группах и парах;
  • закрепить навыки говорения и письма;
  • развивать аналитические навыки чтения.

Ход занятия

Орг. момент

Приветствие учащихся, проверка готовности к уроку.

Речевая разминка

What does relationship mean?
What kind of relationships do you know?
Can we say about relationships between the man and our nature?

How can you describe this kind of relationship?
What is the ideal variant of these correlation: the man and the Earth?

Введение темы и постановка цели

Read the following quotation.

"Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize that we can’t eat money". / Только когда умрет последнее дерево, и будет отравлена последняя река, и поймана последняя рыба, только тогда мы поймем, что мы не можем есть деньги.

Express your point of view according to this statement. Do you agree/disagree? Give your ideas. Prove it.
What do you think we are going to talk about? (Relationships between the man and the Earth) / Тема.
What is the aim of the lesson? (to develop our reading and speaking skills) / Цель.

Развитие навыков антиципации чтения / Pre-reading task. Group work

Let’s return to the quotation. Who do you think said it? Work in small groups.
When do you think it was said?

Look at the picture and read the title of the story. Guess what the story is about?
Let’s read the explanation to the text and check our variants.

Some extracts from a story by the French writer Jean Giono (1895-1971), called The Man Who Planted Trees. In it Giono describes the world of a solitary shepherd who plants trees, while in the background there are two world wars.

Активизация лексических единиц по тексту

  • Acorn.
  • Refill.
  • Imperturbably.
  • Spectacle.
  • Nettles.
  • Wasteland.

Make up a sentence of your one with these words.

Развитие навыков чтения. Group work

4 extracts – 4 groups.
Students are working with texts and questions in group.

Развитие навыков говорения. Role play

There is a host of the show where guests discuss the man and the Earth.
The host asks questions and students from the group represent their ideas based on the texts.

Additional phrases to discuss:

- … you understood that men could be as effective as God in ways other than destruction.
- When I think that one man was able to cause this land of Canaan to grow from wasteland, I am convinced that in spite of everything, humanity is good.
- … ten thousand would be like a drop of water in the ocean.

Развитие навыков письменной речи

You have received some messages from your partner. Write some massages back to him.

Some messagesSome messages

Взаимопроверка. После контроль учителя на предмет грамматического построения речи и содержания опорного материала.

Подведение итогов. Рефлексия

Рефлексия базируется на освоении и активизации основного ВРД занятия – чтение.


I can

I should have some more practice

Pre-reading task






Understanding of the context



Reading between the lines



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Метки к статье: английский язык, 10 класс