Конспект урока по английскому языку в 8 классе "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"

Цели урока:

  • к концу урока учащиеся будут знать алгоритм построения монологического высказывания о Великобритании, используя логико-смысловую модель, а также уметь применять знания, обобщенные на уроке в виде игры, на практике;
  • способствовать развитию умения применять материал в практических ситуациях;
  • способствовать формированию уважительного отношения к культуре, традициям Великобритании.

Оборудование: карточки с заданиями, жетоны, доска, карта, флаг, фотографии достопримечательностей, природных ландшафтов Соединенного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии.

Ход урока

Речевая и фонетическая зарядка

T: Good morning. Take your seats. I’m glad to see you. How are you? Do you like travelling?
- Would you like to visit the United Kingdom one day?
- What cities would you like to visit?

- What is the UK famous for?
- Let’s start our lesson with a small phonetic exercise. Look at the blackboard.
- Here you can see some words we'll work with at the lesson. We should pronounce them correctly.

Wales, Cardiff, Edinburgh, a thistle, a valley, Scarefell Pike, Windermere, Loch Lomond, Slieve Donard, Lough Neagh, a moorland, the Giant’s Causeway

Сообщение темы урока

T: Look at the blackboard. What can you see there?
P1: We can see the national flag of the UK and the national flags of its parts.
P2: We can see the map of the UK.

P3: We can see the photos of different sights of the UK.
T: What is the topic of our lesson?
P4: The topic of our lesson is "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland".

T: What do you think we are going to speak about today?
P5: We are going to speak about the UK and the countries it consists of.
P6: We are going to speak about the national symbols of these countries.

P7: We are going to speak about different places of interest of the UK.
P8: We are going to speak about the landscape of the UK.
T: Right you are. So we are going to recollect everything we know about this country, its geography, its landscape, its places of interest by playing a game.

Основная часть

Игра. Раунд 1

T: We have 2 teams. I`m glad to introduce you the teams of ... and ...
There will be 5 rounds in our game. Each round has its own task. You should choose a card and do the task.
There are 3 tasks for each team in the 1st round. You have 3 minutes to do it. Please, choose a card.

Card № 1. Who is the head of the state? Choose the right variant.

Who is the head of the state?Who is the head of the state?

The answer: The Queen is the head of the state.

Card № 2. How many parts is the UK made up of?

How many parts is the UK made up of?How many parts is the UK made up of?

Choose the right variant. Name these parts. Show them on the map.
The answer: The UK is made up of 4 parts – England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Card № 3. Match the parts of the UK with their capitals.

Match the parts of the UK with their capitalsMatch the parts of the UK with their capitals

The answers: The capital of England is London. The capital of Scotland is Edinburg. The capital of Wales is Cardiff. The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast.

Card № 4. What`s the name of the flag of the UK?

What`s the name of the flag of the UK?What`s the name of the flag of the UK?

a) Tricolour   

b) Union Jack

c) Stars and Stripes

d) United Kingdom

The answer: The national flag of the UK is called Union Jack.

Card № 5. What is the highest mountain in the UK?

What is the highest mountain in the UK?What is the highest mountain in the UK?

a) Snowdon

b) Ben Nevis

c) Ben Macdhui

d) Scarefell Pike

The answer: The highest mountain in the UK is Ben Nevis.

Card № 6. Match the parts of the UK with their national symbols.

Match the parts of the UK with their national symbolsMatch the parts of the UK with their national symbols

The answers: The national symbol of England is the rose. The national symbol of Wales is the daffodil. The national symbol of Scotland is the thistle. The national symbol of Northern Ireland is the shamrock.

Раунд 2

T: There is 1 task for each team in the 2nd round. Please, choose a card. You have 5 minutes to do it.
Card № 1. Match the words with their definitions.

The answers: Location is the place or position where someone or something is. A border is a dividing line between countries or geographic regions. "To be made up of" means "to consist of; to include". "To surround" means "to stand around somebody/something". "Narrow" means "small in width, not wide".

Card № 2. Fill in the missing letters.
The answers: The UK is situated on the British Isles.

Only Northern Ireland shares a 360 km international land border with the Republic of Ireland.
Its landscape is extremely varied. There are grassy plains, beautiful wide and narrow valleys in the UK.

Раунд 3

T: There is 1 task for each team in the 3rd round. Please, choose a card. You have 7 minutes to do it.

Card № 1. Using the facts about the UK, compare its countries using the structures "as … as", "not so/as…as", № times as … as. Write 5 sentences.
Possible answers: the population of Wales is not as / so big as the population of England. The area of Scotland is almost six times as large as the area of Northern Ireland, etc.

Card № 2. Using the facts about the UK, compare its countries using the structures "as…as", "not so/as…as", № times as…as. Write 5 sentences.
Possible answers: the coastline of England is not so large as the coastline of Wales. Slieve Donard is almost as high as Scarefell Pike, etc.


T: Now let’s have a short rest. I know you are tired. We`ll do some exercises for eyes: eyes up, eyes down, eyes left and around. And eyes up, eyes down, eyes right and around (3 times). Blink your eyes.

Then, close your eyes, listen to a piece of classical music. Begin to create a picture in your mind of a place in the UK where you can completely relax. Imagine you are there with your team.

Раунд 4

T: You`ll have the same task for each team in the 4th round. You have 5 minutes to get ready.
What places of interest would you recommend visiting in the UK? Make up the dialogue using the phrases:

– What places could you advise me to visit?
– You have to be very selective.
– I would recommend visiting / you to visit…

– I would strongly advise you to go…
– I’m sure you’ll enjoy…
– It sounds great!

Раунд 5

T: You`ll have the same task for each team in the 5th round, too. Your pen friend from Australia is going to visit the UK but he knows nothing about the country. What would you tell him about the UK?

Заключительная часть

T: At the end of our lesson I want you to make a Japanese poem about the UK.
The UK

Wonderful, great

Travelling, visiting, discovering

I love your landscape

A marvelous country

T: I’d like to thank you for your active work at the lesson. That was a lovely piece of work.
The lesson is over. Good-bye!

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