Конспект урока английского языка в 7 классе "British and Russian schools"

Начальный этап урока

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! (Good morning, teacher!)
- I’m glad to see you. (We are glad to see you too)
- Thank you. Sit down, please.

Введение в тему урока

- Let’s begin our lesson. Look at the screen please. You'll watch a fragment of some very popular film.
- Guess what we are going to speak about. (School)
- Yes, you are right. The topic of our lesson is Sshool.

- You see, some special guest came to our place. Look at the blackboard.
- Who is this? What is his name? (It's Harry Potter)
- Well, you are right. Tell me, please, what is the name of HP's school? (It's Hogwarts)

- OK. Where is Hogwarts school? In what country? (Harry Poter's school is in Great Britain)
- Well, we know a little about British schools and today Harry Potter will tel us something new about them.

- But we should tell him about our Russian schools.
- Well, the topic of our lesson is School and the title of our lesson is "British and Russian schools".

Изложение целей и задач

Teacher: So, the goal of our lesson is to tell and write about Russian schools.
- Help me, please and tell what we should do to achieve the goal of our lesson:

We will:

  • revise the words and word combinations on the topic "School". (First of all...)
  • watch the video and get new information. (Listen to the text)
  • compare British and Russian schools. (Then we...)

- Now you see what we should do. Look, please, at your desks, you see a self-assessment sheets. Don't forget about them during our lesson.
- Are you ready to start?
- I think HP wants to help us to learn about British school and he sent us something interesting...

- Oh, look, what is it? (It'sa magic box)
- Let's open it. There are a lot of interesting things there. I'll close my eyes and take one of them.

Повторение ранее изученных лексических единиц

Teacher: What is it? (Is it an oracle?)
- Yes, I think so. And the first point of our plan is to revise the words. How can the oracle help us? (Учитель трясет оракула, появляется слово школа)
- Children tell me please: "What words are associated with SCHOOL? (Ученики называют слова, пишут их на доске вокруг слова ШКОЛА, затем читают эти слова)

- Well, take Card № 1, your task is to match Russian and English words. I'll give you a minute to do this task. Then we'll check.
- Now look at the screen, let's check this task. (Обучающиеся вместе с учителем отрабатывают произношение слов и выражений после проверки)
- Take your self-assessment sheets and evaluate your work.

Развитие навыков аудирования и говорения

- I think you know everything about schools in Russia, but we know little about British schools.
- May a magic box help us? What is it? (It's a disk (USB flash drive) with a film)
- I suggest we to go to excursion to some Br. School. Take Card № 2. Your task is to watch the film and fill in the table.


Teacher: Thank you, let’s have a rest. We can train now. Do you remember the most popular game at Hogwarts?
- Stand up please.

Let`s play Quidditch.
Up and down, up and down
Which is the way
To London town?

Where? Where?
Up in the air.
Take the broom
And you are there

- Well, let's continue our lesson. Now, we will work in pairs. Take Card № 2.
- You should fill in the table about Russia all together discussing every point. (Проверяем упражнение на интерактивной доске и обсужаем каждый пункт)

- Well, let's continue our lesson. Now, you will work in groups of three. I'll give you 5 minutes to be ready to tell about Russian schools.
- After that you'll tell your monologues and evaluate each other.
- Your time is over. Take peer assessment sheets and tell your monologues.

Развитие навыков чтения и письма

- Oh, we've got a letter from Harry potter. Let's read and discuss it. (Письмо читается по цепочке)
- Now I will ask you some questions, you should answer them.

  • What kind of school does HP study at?
  • When does his school start and finish?
  • What subjects does he have?
  • What is his favourite subject and why?
  • Has HP got any friends at school?

Запись домашнего задания

Teacher: Open your record books and write down your h/t. Your home task will be to write a letter to HP.
- To help you I'll give the questions from his letter.

- Don't forget the rules of writing personal letter. Please, find HP's address on the Internet. (В помощь слабоуспевающим обучающимся предлагается полное письмо на карточках, опираясь на которое они пишут ответ)
- Next lesson I will check your letters and we will send them to Harry Potter.

Подведение итогов урока

- Boys and girls, thank you for the lesson, we’ve done a lot of work. But have we done everything we planed? Let’s return to our objectives.

  • Have we revised the words we've already learnt?
  • Have we got new information?

Учитель переворачивает те задачи, которые были выполнены и появляется слово Thanks.

- How do you think we have achieved the goal? (Yes)
- Why do you think so? (Now I can tell and write about Russian schools. I can speak about our school)
- Can you tell and write about schools in Russia? (Yes)

Оценивание деятельности учащихся

- That was real pleasure to work with you today. Now let's take your self-assessment sheets and count points. What is your result?
- The lesson is over, good-bye.

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