Конспект урока английского языка 7 класс "Holidays and Celebrations of the English-speaking World"

Long-term plan unit: Holidays & Travel.

Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing to:

  • develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion;
  • use an increased variety of prepositions of time, location and direction;
  • use by and with to denote agent and instrument;
  • use prepositions before nouns and adjectives in common prepositional phrases on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • Learn and use the structure of Present Perfect Simple correctly.
  • Understand the information in the text and find examples of present perfect.
  • Understand specific details about a holiday from a short text.
  • Communicate information about a holiday to group members.

Cross curricular links: geography.

Previous learning: students know places around a town and the rest of the basic vocabulary needed to book a flight/hotel, students are able to read basic texts.



Lesson objectives

- Learn and use the structure of Present Perfect Simple correctly.
- Understand the information in the text and find examples of present perfect.

- Understand specific details about a holiday from a short text.
- Communicate information about a holiday to group members.

Playing a Wordwall game

Learners follow the link together with the teacher and put regular and irregular verbs in two groups


Present Perfect

Affirmative and negative sentences.
Time expressions used with the Present Perfect: since, for, yet, just, already, ever, never.

- Learners read the rules: The use of Present Perfect.

The use of Present PerfectThe use of Present Perfect

- Match the verbs 1-10 to the past participles A-J; which of them are regular\irregular?
- Write sentences into the copybooks.

- Use the verbs in the list in the present perfect to complete the sentences: take • try • visit • learn • go • win • fly.

  1. They ... a lot of museums so far.
  2. Assel ... in a Boeing 747 twice.
  3. She ... to play the piano.
  4. We ... part in the competition twice.
  5. He ... two gold medals so far.
  6. I .... sushi once.
  7. Damir and Berik ... to the beach.

- Look at the table and complete the sentences. (Negative sentences)
- Present Perfect interrogative

Note: it is better to provide the learners with the list of irregular verbs and their three forms beforehand.


More capable learners do exercises of Worksheet 1 in pairs with less capable learners and give them prompts to write sentences using already, yet, just. They are free to choose the exercises. (Ex. 7-11)



Before reading: Vocabulary work. Learners get the vocabulary list to glue into the vocabulary books.

  • Missed flights - Қабылданбаған рейстер, пропущенные рейсы.
  • Lost luggage - Жоғалған багаж, утерянный багаж.
  • Train delays – Пойыздың кешігуі, отмены поездов.
  • Traffic jams - Кептеліс, пробки.
  • A passenger - Жолаушы, пассажир.
  • Customs officer - Кеден қызметкері, таможенник.
  • Specimens - Үлгілер, образцы.
  • Liquid - Сұйықтық, жидкость.
  • Poison - У, яд.
  • Endangered species – Жойылып кету қаупі төнген түрлер, исчезающие виды.

(v) Board the flight – Ұшуға отыру, сесть на борт самолета.
(v) Declare – декларировать (объявить о багаже).
(v) Preserve - Сақтау, сохранить.

(v) Release – Шығару, выпустить, сказать.
(v) Charge – кінәлау, обвинять.
(v) Break the law – Заңды бұзу, нарушить закон.

While reading
Ss are asked to listen to the text while listening to the speaker, read the text one by one and find present perfect in the sentences.

Post reading

Choose the correct answerChoose the correct answer

Differentiation: less capable learners can use the table of irregular verbs

Discussion time

Problems during the holidays. Imagine you have one of these problems. Discuss the way out.
Group members should write down the information shared with them to complete their newspapers.
The teacher should circulate the room to make sure that students are sharing information verbally, giving accurate information, etc.

- Learners write answers to exercises 3.4 and share the findings with their peers.

End. Reflection

Ss answer the question:
- Am I ready to use topic vocabulary in my oral speech?
- How to perform better?


Learners should work with Worksheet 1. Do the exercise you haven’t done. Tasks are written on the slide.

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