Конспект внеурочного занятия по английскому языку в 3 классе "Dorothy looks for Toto"

Выбор темы мероприятия по английскому языку обусловлен ее актуальностью и местом в системе уроков английского языка.

Форма проведения: игра-путешествие.

Цель: закрепление лексического и грамматического материала по теме "Животные", активизация лексических навыков.


  • способствовать расширению кругозора учащихся; обобщить лексический и грамматический материал.
  • повысить интерес к изучению английского языка; способствовать воспитанию чувства ответственности за общий результат.
  • развитие творческих способностей и умения работать в команде;
  • развивать умения строить высказывания различных типов.

Содержание и методика мероприятия: игра построена по мотивам сказки Фрэнка Баума "Удивительный Волшебник из Страны Оз". Учащиеся формируют команду, которая на протяжении игры будет выполнять задания и помогать героине сказки – Дороти – в достижении ее цели; игра состоит из нескольких конкурсов.

Оформление кабинета и оборудование: доска, компьютер, проектор, картинки с изображениями героев сказки, картинки с изображениями животных, карточки со словами, двусторонние карточки с изображениями предметов и животных и с подписями их названий на английском языке.

Ход мероприятия

Организационный момент

Учитель: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Glad to see you! How are you? Today we have an unusual lesson. Do you know the fairy-tale "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"? Who are the main characters?
Ученики: отвечают на вопросы.

Учитель: Now imagine that we are in this Wonderland. But something terrible happened. Somebody stole Toto. Dorothy is very sad. (показывает картинку Дороти) Toto is her favorite pet and the best friend. So, children, will we help Dorothy to find Toto?
Ученики: Yes, we will.

Учитель: Great! Let’s go with Dorothy and help her to find Toto. But as it’s an English fairy-tale, so we should speak English, or the heroes cannot understand us. Is it clear? Are you ready?
Ученики: Yes, we are.

Конкурсная программа

Учитель: Good. Now we start our adventure. At the very beginning Dorothy meets the Scarecrow. (показывает картинку Пугала)
- She asks him about Toto. The Scarecrow says that he saw many animals and pets but he doesn't know their names. Children, let's help the Scarecrow to learn names of animals.

- He will describe them, and you will tell their names in English. Is the task clear? If not, ask questions. Are you ready?
Ученики: Yes, we are.

Учитель: Let’s start!
It is a pet.
It is soft and furry.
It likes to sleep and drink milk.

It doesn’t like mice and dogs.
It says "Meow, meow".
What is it?

Ученики: It is a CAT.
It lives on a farm.
It is pink.
It has a little tail.

Its nose is called a snout.
And It says "Oink, oink".
What is it?

Ученики: It is a PIG.
It is very funny.
It is brown.
It can climb well.

It likes to eat bananas.
It has got a long tail.
What is it?

Ученики: It is a MONKEY.
It is a big farm animal.
It can be black, white or brown.

It likes to eat green grass.
It gives milk.
It can say "Moo, moo".
What is it?

Ученики: It is a TURTLE.
It has 4 legs and a tail.
It is very smart.
It likes to play with you.

When It sees a cat,
It says "Woof, woof"
What is it?

Ученики: It is a DOG.
Учитель: Well done! You have helped the Scarecrow and he tells Dorothy that Winged Monkeys (показывает картинку Летучих Обезьян) with the dog went to the Dark Forest. Dorothy meets the Tin Woodman. (показывает картинку Железного Дровосека)

- He tells her that he can't look after animals and plants. He doesn't know what to do and asks Dorothy to help him. Children, will we help him?
Ученики: Yes, we will.

Учитель: I will show you pictures and you will tell what the Tin Woodman must/mustn't or should/shouldn’t do. You can say "He must/ mustn’t …" or "He should/shouldn’t…". Is the task clear? If you don’t understand, ask questions.
Ученики: Yes, it’s clear.

Учитель: Then, we start! (учитель показывает картинки, ученики придумывают советы)
- Nice work! You have helped the Tin Woodman. And he tells that the Winged Monkeys went to the cave of the Cowardly Lion. (показывает картинку Трусливого Льва)
- Dorothy meets the Lion and realizes that he knows nothing about lions. Children, should we help to the lion?

Ученики: Yes, we should.
Учитель: Look at the blackboard. You see statements about lions. Some of them are wrong. We will watch a video and correct them. Is the task clear? (На доске написаны утверждения. Учитель включает видео)

Ученики: Yes, it is. (смотрят видео и исправляют ошибки)
The lion is King of the jungle. – F (the Savanna)
When the animals see his face, they laugh out loud. – F (run)

He has tail and main. - T
He walks and runs with pride. - T
He says "Tweet, tweet!" – F ("Roar!")

Учитель: Well done! You have helped the Lion. He tells Dorothy where the Winged Monkeys live. Dorothy meets them and asks about her pet. (показывает картинку Крылатой Обезьяны)
But the Monkeys don't know difference between wild animals and pets and keep them in one cage. Children, let's help Dorothy to find Toto. You have cards with words and should divide them into groups "Animals" and "Pets". Is it clear? (учитель вешает карточки с названиями животных на доску)

Ученики: подходят к доске и распределяют карточки по группам.



Учитель: Good job! But Toto is not here. The Monkeys say that Toto is in the castle of the Wicked Witch of the West. Dorothy learns that the Witch has Magic of Words. She changed one letter in names of animals and turned them into other objects. So to help the animals you should change letters back. Is the task clear? (учитель вешает на доску картинки предметов с подписями)

Ученики: Yes, it is.
Учитель: Then come to the blackboard and you can start.
Ученики: меняют буквы, образуя новые слова.

Список слов:

Учитель: Have you finished? Then you can turn over the cards and check yourselves.
Ученики: переворачивают карточки и проверяют свои ответы.
Учитель: Super Job! You’ve done it correctly and helped Dorothy to find Toto. (показывает картинки Дороти и Тотошки)

Подведение итогов

Учитель: Children, today we played a lot. You were very active and smart. You have done all the tasks and helped Dorothy to find Toto. Now they can go back to Kansas. But our lesson is over. Do you like it? What do you like most of all? Did you have fun?

Ученики: Высказывают свое мнение.
Учитель: I hope we will organise such kind of lesson again. Goodbye.

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