Сценарий постановки на английском языке для выпускного 4 класс "Современный Том Сойер"

Miss Ann (Teacher) - Аня
Matt - Матвей
Alex - Леша
Tim - Артем
Ilias - Илья


Aunt Polly (Teacher): Today is Friday. It’s almost weekend…but I need your help, Matt.
- Clean the blackboard, please. It’s your turn now.

Matt: Oh, no! How terrible life is! The boys will come soon. They will laugh at me. They’re going to the 5th form but not me. (берет тряпку и моет доску)

Alex: Matt! Hurry up! Matt, What are you doing? (Mэт делает вид, что не слышит)
- Why are you working today?
Matt: Oh, it’s you, Alex, I didn’t see you.

Alex: I’m going to the 5th form. Come with me. But you must work, I see.
Matt: Work? I like it.
Alex: You like it?

Matt: Very much.
Alex (думает): Well, Matt, let me clean a little.
Matt: Oh, no, Alex. You know, our teacher Miss Ann asked me.

Alex: Oh, please, Tom, let me do it. I’ll give you my apple. (думает и дает тряпку Алексу. Алекс моет доску, а Мэт садится, ест яблоко и улыбается)
Tim: Hello, what are you doing?
Alex: Cleaning the blackboard.

Tim: Matt, let me clean the blackboard, please.
Matt: Oh, no, Tim.
Tim: Please, Matt. I’ll give you my player to listen to music.

Matt (думает): Ok. (одевает наушники, слушает музыку и ест яблоко)
Ilias: Hi, what are you doing?
Tim: Cleaning the blackboard.

Ilias: Matt, let me clean the blackboard, please.
Tim: Oh, no, Ilias.
Ilias: Please, Matt. I’ll give you my bike to ride.

Matt (думает): Ok. (ест яблоко, слушает музыку и катается на велосипеде)
(Мальчики моют доску)

Teacher Miss Ann: Matt, Matt. Have you finished cleaning the blackboard?
Matt (отдает яблоко Алексу, наушники Тиму, велосипед Илиасу, берет тряпку): Yes, I’ve finished. Look, Miss Ann.

Teacher Miss Ann: Good job, Matt. Now you can go to the 5th form. Congratulations!
(Все танцуют в темных очках под припев веселой песни Bruno Mars "Lazy song" ("Ленивая песенка")

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Метки к статье: английский язык