Конспект урока английского языка 7 класс "Environmental problems"

Цели и задачи:

  • Учебный аспект: совершенствование навыков диалогической речи, совершенствование навыков аудирования с опорой на прочитанное, совершенствование навыков извлечения основной информации с опорой на презентацию.
  • Развивающий аспект: развитие объема памяти, развитие способности к логическому изложению содержания, развитие умения вести беседу по заданной ситуации.
  • Воспитательный аспект: развитие обеспокоенности ситуацией, формирование ответственного отношения к природе, воспитание правильного экологического поведения.

Дидактический материал:

  1. Текст "The Earth’s atmosphere"
  2. Карточки с заданием (по вариантам, работа в парах)
  3. Аудиофайл

Оборудование: Компьютер, презентация, магнитофон.

Ход урока


Good afternoon dear children! Glad to see you. Today we are going to speak about environmental problems. We’ll practice our skills in speaking, reading and listening. I wish you to be calm and to work well.

I. Look at the blackboard please. Read this inscription and try to translate it.

Презентация (пирамида): «People will be lost from inability to use forces of the nature and from ignorance of the true world»-the inscription on a pyramid of Heaps. (Люди погибнут от неумения пользоваться силами природы и от незнания истинного мира – надпись на пирамиде Хеопса).

1. And now, let’s to speak about nature and environmental problems. But at the beginning look at the blackboard and read the words which help us understand the information from the text. (презентация слова)


- a thin veil                    тонкая завеса

- destructive                   разрушительный

- to release                      выпускать

- chlorine attack             атака хлора

- a hole                           дыра

- to penetrate                  проникать

- overexposure               частое появление (нахождение)

- to increase                   увеличиваться

- retina                            сетчатка

1.2 Read the text. Use the words.

«The Earth’s atmosphere»

High above the Earth’s atmosphere there is a thin veil called the ozone layer, which protects the earth from the sun’s destructive ultraviolet (UV) rays.

This protective layer is being damaged by chemicals, which are released into the atmosphere by the daily use of industrial and household product such as refrigerators, air conditioners, cleaning chemicals, food packing, and etc. the chlorine attacks the ozone molecules, thinning or even making a “hole” in the ozone layer. This “hole’ allows more UV rays to penetrate to the Earth.

Overexposure to UV rays can increase the risk of skin cancer, weaken the immune system, and damage the retina.

Not only humans are at risk, so are animals, plants, and the environment in general.

1.3  Answer the questions:

1. What is the ozone layer?

2. How is it being damaged?

3. What harm does the damage bring to the Earth?

1.4 Find the words in the text:

Озоновый слой; ежедневное использование; рак кожи; ослаблять иммунную систему; загрязнять слой; разрушать; ультрафиолетовые лучи; озоновая дыра; проникать; разрушительный.

Pause for relax

(Под успокаивающую музыку) Close your eyes. You are in your boat now in the middle of the water. Look around. What is it? It may be a pond, a lake, a river, a sea, an ocean. The water is calm … You are moving slowly … You are feeling calm … Your face is calm… Your body is calm … your arms are calm … Your legs are calm …

Now you are coming back. When you hear five, open your eyes.

And now we’ll speak aboutother environmental problems.  Look at the blackboard. (презентация «Проблемы окружающей среды»)

Land, air and water are important for the life on the Earth. But what is happening now?

Water is polluted

Land is polluted

Air is polluted 

1.2 Let’s to play a game. Imagine that your neighbor is the alien. An alien has arrived on our planet, to learn how we live and asks us about our environmental problems. We are working in pairs. (презентация инопланетяне)

These cards will help you to make the dialog. (карточки с опорами на русский текст)


Monolog about environmental problems.


You were great. I like your working today. You were very active. As for your marks, they are … Stand up please. The lesson is over.

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