Конспект урока: Conversational topic: Heroism of russian peopleduring the great patriotic war

1. Read the text. Answer the questions. Make the retelling.

On June 22, 1941 the USSR was attacked by Nazi Germany. From the very first day to the last the Russian people fought heroically against the enemies. They all rose up to defend their freedom and independence.

People from many republics took part in the battles of Moscow and Leningrad, at Stalingrad and the Kursk bulge, in the liberation of the Caucasus, the Ukraine, the Crimea and the Baltic republics. Our soldiers had to fight against the fascists from the White Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south, to defend thousands of towns and villages. All soldiers and officers were awarded the orders and medals, nearly 900 of them were conferred the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

A massive partisan movement was launched on the occupied territories. It amounted to 700,000 people. Partisans opened one more front and helped the Army to win victory over the invaders. Heroism and selflessness became ordinary standards of behaviour for millions of people in the field of battle and in the rear. All our heroes cannot be mentioned, but here are a few: Konstantin Zaslonov, who organized acts of sabotage at the Orsha railway station; Nikolai Gastello, who rammed his burning plane into a column of German tanks near Radashkovichi; Anna Mazanik and Mariya Osipova, who killed the Gauleiter of Belarus, the governor Wilhelm Kubbe, Alexander Matrosov, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. F. Smolyachkov, who killed 125 Hitlerites; the pilot A. Gorovets, who in a single air battle brought down 9 enemy planes at the cost of his own life; the defenders of the Brest Fortress who kept rebuffing in a besieged fortress for a month and many others.

The Great Patriotic War ended in May, 1945. Victory was won at a high price. Russian soldiers helped the peoples of many other countries to become free from fascism. The heroic Russian people not only defended their own country, they saved the world.

On May 9, 2004, our country and all people of the world are celebrating the 59th anniversary of the Great Victory.

May 9, Victory Day, is one of the most important holidays in our country. It is also a great holiday for all the countries which fought in the Second World War against fascism. That spring day of May 9 went down in the history of our country as Victory Day. It is celebrated by meetings and marches.

The Soviet people won the Great Patriotic War against a powerful enemy, Nazi Germany and its allies, because our people were fighting a just war to liberate their own country.

The people of the world should remember that our country played the main role in the victory over fascism. We lost 27 million of our people and saved the world from fascism. We should never forget those who gave their lives for our Motherland.

It was a very long and hard war for our people. But on the roof of the Reichstag the banner of victory waved in the spring skies over defeated Berlin on May, 1945.

The monument to the Soviet soldiers was built on Poklonnaya Hill.

The Victory Parade of 1945 is repeated with just the same participants on Red Square every year.

  1. When did the Great Patriotic War begin?
  2. How long had the USSR been occupied by the Nazis?
  3. Did the Russian soldiers display mass heroism and courage in the struggle with the enemy?
  4. Where was the monument to the Soviet soldiers built?
  5. How many of them were conferred the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union?
  6. What do you know about the partisan movement?
  7. What fortress has become a symbol of courage?
  8. What heroes of the war do you know?
  9. What heroic deeds did they perform?
  10. How many Russian people were killed during this war?
  11. When do we celebrate Victory Day?
  12. What anniversary of the Great Victory do we celebrate this year?
  13. What war songs do you know?
  14. What films about Great Patriotic War were shot?
  15. Tell some words about your relatives, who took part in this war.

2. Read the text. Translate it into English.

30 aпpeля 1945 гoдa гpyппа coлдaт 1-го Бeлopyccкoгo фpoнтa вopвaлacь (buгst) в peйxcтaг. Hикoлaй Eгopoв и Meлитoн Kaнтapия пepвыми ycтaнoвили (plant) знaмя пoбeды нaд peйxcтaгoм. Иx гepoичecкий пoдвиг вoшeл (go down) в иcтopию. Этo знaмя cтaлo cимвoлoм пoбeды нaд нaциcтcкoй Гepмaниeй. Eгopoв и Kaнтapия пpинимaли yчacтиe в пapaдe Пoбeды в Mocквe. Ha cлeдyющий дeнь знaмя быдo пepeдaнo в Цeнтpaльный мyзeй вoopyжeнныx cил (Central Museum of Armed Forces). Пoдвиг нapoдa, пpoявлeнный вo вpeмя вoйны, бyдeт жить в вeкax.

3. Tell the class your opinion about the following sentences.

  1. During the Great Patriotic War only the Russian soldiers were fighting.
  2. Nazis had blown up and burned down everything they could;
  3. The Victory came as a triumph for peace-loving people all over the world.
  4. The Soviet Army was the Army of liberation.

4. Read the text. Put the questions. Make the retelling.


The Brest Fortress heroic deed is known all over the world. Cut off from the rest of the army the defenders of, the Fortress beat back numerous attacks of the enemy. The people lost strength but would not give in. They stood to death. Here are some examples.

One of the defenders, Vladimir Shablowski, was badly wounded and taken prisoner. When he and other prisoners were crossing the bridge over the Bug Shablovski shouted: "Everybody, follow me!" and jumped into the water. This fact became a legend.

Paralysing fascist forces of considerable length the Brest Fortress heroic defenders who represented 33 nations, withstood about a month's siege. On the walls of the Fortress one can read the inscriptions made by its defenders: "There were three of us. It was hard but we did not lose our courage and are dying a hero's death", "I'm dying but shall not surrender. Farewell, Motherland".

The soldiers continued to fight on under their Commissar Fomin, their commander Major Gavrilov and other officers. One day, heavily wounded, Fomin was captured and shot.

The Nazis broke into the fortress only after its defenders had been killed. When the Nazis occupied the ruins Major Gavrilov hid in a big cellar where he spent several days without food or water. When his thirst got too much for him he would press his mouth against the cold brick wall. Finally he lost consciousness. But the moment, the Nazis entered the cellar he came to and fought back for a whole hour until he had no hand grenades left and only one remaining bullet in his revolver. At that moment he was shot from behind and captured. He went through the entire hell of Nazi concentration camps. Pyotr Gavrilov was later awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for his gallantry.

5. Make your own story about Great Patriotic War. Choose your plot:

  • The heroism of Russian people.
  • The Hero-Cities.
  • My grandfather – the hero of the war.
  • My favorite film about war.

The relations between Russia and Germany nowadays

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