Конспект интегрированного урока английского языка 10 класс "Тема любви в произведениях Пушкина, Бернса, Абая"

Данный урок проводится в старших классах. Тема любви была вечной темой не только в русской, казахской, но и в мировой литературе. Именно любовь помогала писать произведения, которые живы и через века.

Тема любви проходит красной нитью все творчество и Пушкина, и Абая, и Бернса. Их объединяло то, что они жили и творили в одну эпоху. На их стихи слагались музыкальные произведения.

Учащиеся старших классов с удовольствием учат наизусть произведения этих поэтов, с головой погружаясь в эпоху того времени, окунаются в мир любви, благородства и таинства. Урок интересен тем, что каждый ученик может высказать свою точку зрения, свои чувства, написать эссе, вспомнить поговорки о любви, высказывания известных людей.

Цель: рассмотреть тему любви в  творчестве Пушкина, Бернса, Абая.


  • познавательные: автоматизация лексических навыков,  активизация грамматических   навыков;
  • развивающие: развитие языковой догадки, логического мышления;
  • воспитательные: создание условий для формирования у учащихся умений монологической спонтанной речи, умений выражать свое мнение.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Методы обучения: словесные (рассказ, беседа); практические (упражнения, работа с компьютером); репродуктивные (информационные, рецептивные, репродуктивные).

Ход урока 

1. Good morning, students! Sit down, please.

Yesterday, I read a book which was called “Carol” by B. Catland. The main hero of this story was Carol. She loved a man, Kristopher by name, and she overcame all obstacles for the sake of her love. And I think, that the motive power in our life is love, because we are ready to do everything for the sake of love. Love can be not only to a man, but to the Motherland, to the child. True love is not afraid of anything: for example of a judgement, it can overcome all hardships, it is not shaken by the storms of life.

2.  Now, give me your association with the word “love”.

3. (One of the pupils represents his presentation and shows his/her associations with the word “love”).

4. Many writers and poets turned to the theme of love and they described it differently. Let’s listen to the verse “O, Red Red Red Rose”.

a)  Who is the author of this verse?

Open your copybooks and write down the date and the theme of our lesson.

Let’s write a claster with me.

b) What country does this author represent?

Listen to some information about R. Burns. (a report)

c) What is the theme of this verse?

d) Whom was that verse dedicated to?

Look at your monitors and open the document “O, Red Red Rose”

and answer the questions:

e) What words did Burns use to describe his feelings? (the analysis of the verse)

f) Who translated more of Burns’ verses into Russian language?

We can see the theme of love not only in the creation of foreign poets and writers, but in the works of Kazakh poets and writers. For example: Abai

c) Who was Abai?

d) What country does this writer represent?

e) Who inspired him to write verses about love throughout his life?

Listen to some information about Togzhan and Aigerim. (a report)

Do you know some Kazakh verses by Abai?

a) What words did Abai use to describe his feelings? (the analysis of the verses) (Write down in your copybooks)

b) What verses were put to music?

c) Can you sing it?

What  verses of Russian poets were put to music? (Я помню чудное мгновение)

a) Who is the author of this song?

b) Who was he?

c) Whom was that verse dedicated to?

d) Who was she?

Listen to some information about Kern. (a report)

What other verses do you know which are dedicated to women?

Can you read them?

Look at your monitors and open the document “Pushkin”

What words did Pushkin use  to express his feelings in his verse?

(Write down in your copybooks).

What can you see common in the creation of three great writers? (pupils’ opinions)

5. Let’s look at the interpretation of the word “love” in the  Kazakh, English and Russian dictionaries.

Open the document “Dictionary”. Read, please.

LOVE – warm affection, sexual passion, a sweetheart, to be in love. (Practical English Dictionary)


1) Чувство самоотверженной, сердечной привязанности к Родине, материнская любовь, горячая любовь, взаимная любовь.

2) Склонность, пристрастие к чему-либо. (Словарь Ожегова)

МАХАББАТ – сүйіспеншілік махаббат, Отанға сүйіспеншілік, ана махаббаты. 

(Қазақша сөздік Ғ.Ғ. Мұсабаев)

6. What proverbs and sayings about love do you know? (in Kazakh, Russian, English)

  • The heart that once truly loves never forgets.
  • Love is neither bought nor sold.
  • Love will creep where it may not go.
  • No herb will cure love.
  • Love should not be all on one side.
  • The course of true love never did run smooth.
  • Старая любовь не ржавеет, старая любовь долго помнится.
  • Любовь не купишь, не продашь.
  • Для любви нет преград, любовь все побеждает.
  • Путь истинной любви никогда не бывает гладким.
  • Любовь должна быть взаимной.
  • «Болезнь» любви не излечима.
  • Ежелгі махаббат ескірмейді, алғашқы махаббатты тот баспайды.
  • Махаббатты сата да алмайсың, сатып та ала алмайсың.
  • Шынайы махаббат отқа да күймейді, суға да батпайды.
  • Сүйіспеншілік екі жаққа да бірдей.
  • Тән жарасынан жан жарасы жаман.
  • Азапсыз махаббат – арзан махаббат.

7. Write an essay beginning with the words:

f) I think that love is such feeling …

g) In my opinion, love to the Motherland …

h) To my mind love to music …

We spoke about the theme of love in the creation of great writers. They are very different. They represent different countries, different cultures, but all writers of the world always wrote about love, about this warm affection, about this feeling.

8. Our lesson coming to its end. Let’s finish it with the Scottish national song “Auld Lane Syne” composed by R. Burns. It is often sung at the parties and meetings of friends all over the world and at New Year’s party.

9. Home-task: Your task is to find stylistic devises in the verses of Abai, Pushkin, Burns. To learn  verses  about nature by heart.

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