Конспект урока английского языка 3 класс "Birthday party"

Цели урока:

  • повторение употребления структуры there is/are, a lot of, совершенствование техники чтения, письма, развитие умения монологической и диалогической речи;
  • формирование манер поведения за столом, привитие интереса и уважения к традициям народа.

Коммуникативные функции: пригласить на день рождения с помощью открытки, по телефону, рассказать о дне рождения

Культуроведческий фактор: поздравления «Happy birthday», особенности написания открытки, приглашение по телефону с названием телефонного номера.

Формулы разговора по телефону: "Could I  speak to…, please?", "Great", написание приглашения  "come to my… party on… ,from … till"

Ход урока

Орг. момент

Good afternoon,  good afternoon, good afternoon to you

Good afternoon, good afternoon. I am glad to see you.

How are you today?

Сообщение темы урока и целей

Today we’ll speak about Winnie – the- Pooh’s birthday. We’ll describe the things around us on the birthday party: food, presents. (На доске висит изображение Вини Пуха и его друзей)

Речевая разминка

T: But before going to Winnie’s birthday party let’s remember some things. (на доске висит иллюстрация праздничного стола с едой)

T: You know Winnie has got a lot of friends. By the way, who are these friends?

P: Rabbit, Piglet, Tiger, Roo, Christopher

T: Of course, they will eat a lot of food. Look at the table and answer the following questions:

T: What food is there for Rabbit on the table?

P: There are apples, carrots, bananas on the table.

T: What food is there for Piglet on the Table?

P: There is porridge, bread, potato on the table.

T: What food is there for Tiger in the table?

P: There is meat, fish for Tiger in the table.

T: What food is there for Christopher on the table?

P:There are sweets, cookies, ice-cream, and chocolate for Christopher on the table.

IV. Развитие умений монологической, диалогической, письменной речи, навыков чтения
1. Развитие письменной речи, чтения.

a) T: When you have a birthday party you send invitation cards. Winnie wants to send them to his friends too. Let’s help him to write these cards.

(На доске висит образец пригласительной открытки. Дети работают в парах. На приготовленных дома бланках они пишут открытку, а затем зачитывают вслух)

T: But before let’s choose the date and the time. (На доске написать дату) Let it be 20.05.06, from 6 till 8.

b) T: But some of us he invites by the phone. Do you remember how to do it? So do it in pairs.

- Telephone ….? Could I speak to Nastya, please?

- This is Nastya. Hello!

- It’s Winnie here. I’m having a birthday on Saturday. Can you come?

- I’d love to.

- Great! See you here. About 6 o’clock. (2-3 пары разыгрывают диалог)

2. Физкультминутка

T: Now we are at   Winnie’s birthday party on Saturday. Of course, you have some presents and you want to give them to Winnie. But don’t forget to congratulate him. Let’s do it with a help of the song « Happy birthday»

- Come to this place. Who wants to be Winnie?

- So Winnie is in the center. We are around him. Take each others hands and sing all   together. (поём песню)

3. T: Now give your presents to Winnie the Pooh. Let me be the first. (учитель показывает, как это делать)

T: Happy Birthday to you, Winnie. This is my present for you. (подарки дети заготовили дома)

Winnie: Thank you. (дети дарят подарки и садятся по местам)

4. T: So, you are at the table now. Everything is very tasty. (на столе разложены картинки с едой)

– Ask each other to pass some food. Do it in pairs. (Дети составляют мини диалоги. 2-3 пары рассказывают)

5. T: Everything was tasty. Now it’s time for games and dances.

a) T: Here are some proverbs but all words are mixed. Make them all in the right order (each proverb)

(Групповая игра)


1. There is no place like home.

2. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

3. An apple a day keeps a doctor away.

6. T: Let’s play a poem.

Choose the card: you’ve got some phrases but without the ending. They are on the blackboard. Look at them (учитель читает слова вслух)- jam, cheese, cake, honey, cola, bread, cream.

1. My name is Louise. I like eat… (jam)

2. My big brother Jake fond of … (cake)

3. And my sister Bunny eats too much … (honey)

4. This girl is Lola. She likes drinking … (cola)

5. And this boy is Fred. He likes eating … (Bread)

6. But do you want to know the food that is a dream?

It’s chocolate with a lot of good … (cream)

(Во время чтения учитель подходит к каждому и слушает, как ученики читают и какое слово выбрали. Затем ребята читают вслух предложения, которые у них получились.)


T: Now let’s dance. (Звучит песня «Clap your hands» и дети танцуют)

8. Творческая работа с элементами проекта

T: So, we have to finish up our holiday. Let’s make a poster about it. There is a paper for each group, pencils, felt-tip pens, glue, pictures. You have some phrases there. Fill the gaps.

a) The first group will help Winnie to tell about his birthday

b) The second group will tell about Winnie’s birthday as his friend.

На бумаге фразы:

a) I had…

My friends gave me…

We sang songs,…

We ate a lot of …

It was very…

I liked the party.

b) Winnie had…

We gave Winnie…

We sang songs, …

We ate a lot of …

It was very …

I liked the party. (Дети выходят к доске и, глядя на плакат,  рассказывают)

VI. Homework

T: At home you must write about you last birthday party (about presets, food, games…)

And ex.8 at page 142 will help you. (учитель показывает упражнение в учебнике)

V. Итог

T: So everything was funny and interesting. You work very well today. Your marks are 5. Goodbye, children.

P: Goodbye teacher.

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